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Bloomington High School North, Nikean, 2006, Page 8

Description: rNorth junior Eric MacPhail relaxesat the Union with friend MaryConnely, a sophomore fromBloomington South. MacPhail alsotakes classes at IU during the day.Juniors Drew Meadows and EricMacPhail and sophomore KyleBailey hang out together at theStudent Union. They hang out onIUs campus almost every week.uItwasgreatforIUtohelp.-Bridget Houghtelin, senior,about Dance MarathonWith Indiana Universitys campus inBloomington only minutes from North,students are given the unique opportunity totake college-level courses and receive bothhigh school and college credit.Juniors and seniors are the only studentseligible to take classes at IU. Students maytake either elective classes or academicclasses at the 100 level.In order to take an academic class, studentsmust have teacher and counselorrecommendations.Senior Cliff Bakehorn takes W131 andA202, an IU English class, at North.It challenges me in English, and it is moreappealing than high school classes,Bakehorn said.To students at North, IU is a big part of theirlives, not only in school, but socially. Manystudents enjoy spending time with their friendson campus.Students from North can be found aroundthe university on Kirkwood, at the MusicalArts Center (MAC), or at the IndianaUniversity Memorial Union.IU is filled not only with full time collegestudents but also with high school studentsthat take IU classes during their school day.Junior Cristina Gustaitus is one of manyNorth students who takes an IU class.I take ballet at the MAC, so I usually spenda lot of time downtown, Gustaitus said.Sophomore Wesley Drake says IU is a bigpart of his life. He eats and shops downtown.Also, his brother, Justin, attends the universityas a student.Diversity is also something everyone enjoysabout Indiana University, from the professorsto the food, everything is a little different.It gives more opportunities because itbrings a lot of things in that would nototherwise be here, sophomore Kyle Baileysaid.Indiana University brings education, funthings to do, and diversity to the Northcommunity and its students.It has diverse restaurants and cool people,sophomore Bryn Taubensee girl.Story by Callie ElmoreII Impact8 IU Life
Collection: Bloomington High School North

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