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Svrina ^>rt(\k.&tt<\M?MIStory by Katie McArdleSpring break issomething that every highschool student looks forwardto. Most students spend theirtime in warm climatesenjoying the sun.-The most popularspring break destination forhigh school students wouldhave to be Florida senior BenGrossberg said.This time off schoolgives people opportunities tobond with friends and family.Sophomore Lindsay Chesaksaid she looks forward tospring break beacuse, Youget a week off school to dowhatever you want.Senior Lesley Crowewanted to spend her time offwith her friends. So she wenton a cruise with five of herclosest friends.The most memorablespring breakis definitely yoursenior year says Crowe.Junoir Rich Souinshi anasisccr.Presnrnan CayLor Souinshi.cnjou spcnaina cirne on cne ocacn inQcscin. pLonaa.Senior cujin siscers naaia ana OnnysaLamanaa sing haraohc on cne ocacn inPanama Cicy. pLonaa. Cne girLscnjouea cneir senior year spring orcahcogecner.6lApY^ittt0\ }rvj%^Vjl^fointt-rJuniors QeLia Cccnong.PloLLy nooucr.CarLy Qunnich. ana haya Poinccr poseFor a piccurc. Cncu enjoyea cneir uueehoff oy craucung co mexico cogecner15 |
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Bloomington High School North |
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