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Bloomington High School North, Nikean, 2001, Page 106

Description: MHHHffiKVanderbilt Grand Championsby Ross FlintTears were shed. It was the night of October seventh. The 2000Bloomington North Marching band had just been announced as theVanderbilt Marching Invitational Large Band Grand Champion as well astheir own Division B Champion. Unfortunately, their delight would soonend.In the beginning, there was promise. The talented musicians thatmade up this years marching band expected to perform their best and toimprove every weekend; and they did. Although improvement may nothave been shown every weekend, the band was pleased with each weeksprogression.Following a great season of practice, the band held high expectationsfor regionals, with good reason. They were in place to advance to State, agoal of theirs since the first day of band camp. Seventeen bands hadadvanced to the Jeffersonville Regionals, but only five would make the tripto Indianapolis, where State is held. Still, the band felt confident that withanother great show, they would certainly advance. One of these two thingsdid happen. The band put on their best performance of the season, but didnot advance.The Marching Band and Guard performs Requiem for a fallen AngelAimee Osmundsen and Emily McClain on the Tennessee trip.Happy faces aftera successfushow: StevenR u p p, DanOrvando, WiSimmons, ChristyPerney and ScottCampion.The MarchingBand cheers forthe football team.Right: A.J. Tippia, Ross Flint,and Mitch McCall have a goodtime in Tennessee.106No matter if it is freezing cold orextremely hot, the MarchingBand presents a great show.
Collection: Bloomington High School North

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