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Bloomington High School North, Nikean, 1998, Page 112

Description: ■■^^■BAbbzmztbTOP - A. Brown, J. Skoog, J. Moore,B.J. Cord, M.Miller, D. DeBruickr, B.Botne, E. Isaccson, A. DarseeMIDDLE -J. Glenn, J. Reed, E. Huntsman, M. Sweeney, B. Kellp, K.Mjolsnes, K. Gjerdingen, J. KelseyBOTTOM - J. Stockhouse, A. Stigal,E. Gjerdingen, K. Hamilton, N.Provenzale, G. Carmicheal, M.Spechler.Adrian Darsee gives a whole new look tojazz. He went, with the rest of the Advanced Jazz Band to Moscow, Idaho,where they won first place in their division. Darsee was also the drummer forthe jazz combo that was voted bestcombo of the festival.Listen as the brass plays their harmonicmelodies. Trumpet players Jonah, Jeremy, Dave, and Brekke along with trombone players Bryan Kello and JordanReed were just a few members of thegroup that went to the Lionel HamptonJazz Festival in Moscow, Idaho.112
Collection: Bloomington High School North

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