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Pompettes SparkHalf-Time PerformanceWhats it like being amember of the 1981-82BHSN Pompette Squad?According to sophomore,Martha McHargue, its a lotof fun and a goodexperience, although itrequires a lot of time andhard work.This years co-captions,Gina Wilks and Leigh AnnBales, helped in getting thesquad organized andmaking themselves morethan presentable to thestudent body. Gina said,Its been a blast workingtogether and becoming aclub in tip-top shape.Leigh Ann comments,Weve worked hard and Ithink it shows in ourperformance.Over the summer co-captains Gina and LeighAnn attended the Fred J.Miller Clinic where theyreceived a second place ingroup competition to add tothe credentials of the entirePompette squad whichreceived a second in groupcompetition and a spiritstick at the UniversalCheerleaders Associationcamp.During the summer thesquad raised enough moneyto buy new uniforms tosharpen their appearance.They could be seen at allbasketball games, wherethey performed during halftime.The cougar helps to cheer withthe Pompettes.Hail to those conquering Northmen, hail to . . .UyBack Row: Leigh Ann Bales, Khrissy Sample, Kelly Steele, Michelle Mercer, Martha McHargue, F*Jeannette Prough, Monica Kinser, Chris Smith, Heidi Allen, Theresa Thiel. Front Row: Tina Wade,Paige Palmer, Karen Repasky, Jill Clay, Lana Elliot, Lisa Magner, Andrea Pugh, Gina Wilks, CaraBrown, Korine Worth. Not Pictured: Sheila Stephen, Dee Dee Brown, Becky Nixon.Seniors Gina Wilkes and SheilaStevens always say cheese ina creative way!112 Pompettes |
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Bloomington High School North |
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