Bloomington High School North, Nikean, 1997, Page 34

Description: The Daze of SummerOn June 6th, the bell rang atexactly 2:30 pm and all theBHSN students bolted out of thebuilding and jumped in theircars, buses, or whatever it mighthave been to start their summervacations. When we asked thestudents what they did this summer heres some of the answerswe got:Many students decided tospend their summer working inorder to make a little extramoney. BHSN students workedat a variety of different places.Most students chose to work atrestaurants, such asSteakNShake, Chick-Fil-A,McDonalds, Hardees, and TownHouse restaurant. Others haddifferent sorts of jobs such asdigging trenches, the video center, baby-sitting, and baling hay.While some students chose towork during their vacation, others decided to take trips. Whatwere some of the hottest vacationspots this summer? As always,Florida was a popular spot, thebeach is always a good place toget a good tan, and have a relaxing vacation. Many studentschose other beaches such as Jamaica, Myrtle Beach, and KeyWest.Traveling and working aretwo great things to do over thesummer, but some students enjoy getting out in the hot summersun, and playing some summersports. The most popular sportswere Softball, Baseball, Basketball, and Golf. Other studentsenjoyed sports such as ultimatefrisbee, Tennis, Football, andSoccer.Of all the responses we got,partying was the most popular,but isnt that what summer is allabout?Juniors Sara Doster and Gretchen Dovenmuhele enjoythe peacefull.warm sunshine while on their summervacation in Crested Butte, Colorado.Seniors Mandy Taylor and JulieMoore pose with one of themany new friends they madewhile at the Olympic SoccerGame in Birmingham.Alabama.34
Collection: Bloomington High School North

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