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SENIORS LAST WORDSHey Joe ! Keep driving that bus, and watch the speed bumps! - KiKiThree Rules-1) Have some cake 2) Put on chapstick 3) Play video gamesNo Mr. Harter, we bought our own ... The ring leaderJ.S. & A.L. - Now that were out of here, things are most definitely fixin to be a lot better.Stay paranoid and rock on. K.W.Men swimmers- Go fast! ATTZECBA, the message is authetic. GibbsBobby-Ted, Sorry about your luck, get out as fast as you can! - Kandi & RachelMartha Quinn! That week turned into that year pretty fast!Hey Puke Baby! Scratching the belly & losing the shoes! I love you Sister!Rex Earl! Keep your head on your shoulders & your eyes open! love ya cousin!Pat, Greene, Schersch, Rotert- I never did it! C-ya in the END... upside down- Smile vertically and pass it on. LukeCampbell #96 P.S. I mean #52 Im out (I love you all)To all incoming and outgoing Cougars, keep the craziness alive!! - Jeff WyattQue Pasa Amigos- PedroCoffee eggs spam ham eggs spam ham with spam coffee and spam- spam manS.K.L.S.- Roddney got his fill. C.P.J.S.Go Fish & Hair boy- The dash board tells know lies, the DriverGirls soccer team- Good Luck next season. Beat South! They only have the baby left. I am cheering for you always.Nancye RahnTo the art crew: Dan, Mario, Danya, and Matt, take care of 3D, Ill miss yall. Much luv, NoseT-T-T- Today Junyah! Bill WaltersTo the bowl-ing team and the many supporters, keep on rolln MikeTo Fish head: Ashes and Ashes Dust to Dust if it wasnt for chevrolets our tools would rust M.D. & R.M.Yahoo Billy, Billys #1!!To: Fear This Ford Fear what I cant see you Sky JackersAllison Thompson- To 17 years of good fun. Thanks for everything! Love you always, Captain Sarah SchumGLADYS-We had some great times! Ill never forget any of them! Love ya, DOLORESCRASH- Thanks for all the whiplashes and bruises- Your Crash test dumbies(C.D.,E.E.)To my three CC girls- All of you made hell worth while. Ill never forget our summer. Love, BRACACAA-SchumPOMS-I love you all, remember your facials-MedeaBERT AND ERNIE- Let me tell ya a little story, Woo Wee Papaw- From the GirlsChrystal and Crystal- WHAD YOU DO!!!! YOUR REALLY DOING IT, NOW GO LAW DOWN- your supervisorTo the Londoners- The hills are alive with the Sound of Music! Remember, there was no drinking in London, except for aglass of wine at dinner. MMM! Maccaroons. Who is Alice? Bloody Proxy Flaming London... Mind the Gap, please!!!I love you guys! RachelTt^like to give a shout out to my best home girls Lashawna and Angela! May you both exhale. And wanna give a shoutto _rjty homeboys Old Dirty Rick and Troy. Love ya, SmoochesJoe- I, DONT WANT TO GO!! YOU CANT MAKE ME GO!! These past four years have been a blast, never forget thegood ^rimes! Keep in touch. Love, OILLAKHawk, (Gabe, Tyler- you backers dont let anybody come through your gap without paying. Good Luck! A.C.Londoners- You BLOOOOOOW! To Neil Q- Dont drink it if you dont know whats in it.Sorry about WIT everybody JB.To^.JCaadi, Allison, Jill, Jenn, Crystal, Regan, Gretchen, Nyagon- GIRLS KICK A Love, RachelHey itj_ been real, thanx for the memories. Keep it real dont lose your spunk. Much luv to my crew Savannah & Berniejplttjffor always being. Miss you much Peace Out, Robin AKA Lashawnda ToddlesJph^wise: Live, win or lose, in pride. Are not always silent but know when to be. Are lost, not in today but somewherelir/tomorrow. Natalia GiffordWo all cross country & track athletes: Good luck next year and dont strain yourself too much in the practices. Also havefun all underclassmen with Block 8. Chris P.Jack- Thanks for Adviceman! Its going to be strange not going to the same school after all these years! Hopefully, Illsee you at Xavier in a year! Ill miss the fun we all had at your house those thousands of times! Love, GretchenFlip, Powder- Hello baby! Did you miss me? Keep your cue chalked- Big ATo the London Boys: Three Pounds, Huh? From the Toeman P.S. especially you lush!Live your life to be happy, because life is to short to worry about things. Words of wisdom from J. DogTo: Forest You arnt all that. Your the one that missed out. From: Holly W.HAVE A HARDCORE DAY! - BALLZOUT/KRAMKANDI: Perdoname. Te amo! AllisonMan, you made my school days fun, though not as fun as last summer. Ill never forget you. Youll always be my bestfriend. Keep in touch. Love always, HobbyTo the dog lb: you are a crazy bunch of guys who need to behave yourself and be careful in all your adventures in life.Nat & Steph next time dont go back to look! Nyagon & Patricia , my friends for life, youve been there through it all.Everyone keep in touch . I love u all.-SnoopJoesph Lee- thanks for stopping at my bus stop & giving me a slice of gum! Youre the greatest! GoonSharica- Florida, Atlanta, next Houston. Ahh! Is that the bell for B lunch? _^Luv, Nyagon __^*^___!<.V |
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Bloomington High School North |
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