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Bloomington High School North, Nikean, 1988, Page 72

Description: Boy Swimmers ProsperousCoach Sandy Searcy and her swimmerscruised to a 9-2 regular season record anda second place sectional finish, third inSCC, not to mention going undefeated athome this year. This is by far the bestseason Searcy has had in her three yearperiod (her first year she was the assistantcoach under Chet Jestremski).Brian Egli, Dimitri Hubbard, Chris Calvert, David Perez, Kevin Brover, ScottJohnson all represented North in the statemeet (Scott and Kevin making repeat appearances.)Brian Egli was Norths best sprinter; heperformed well in Sectionals, swimmingthe fastest, but an error in the electronictiming placed him second.Overall the Boys swim team is losingfour seniors but they will still be strongnext year. ■■■ ■ -.. . •This is what Scott looks like up-side-down!Dane Sinn gasps for breath during the butterfly.Boys Swim Team, Row 1: David Abram, Aaron Shiffrin, Mike Ulmer, Dimitri Hubbard, ChrisCalvert, Scott Johnson, Brian Egli. Row 2: Adrian Martin, Ted Jestremski, David Perez,Greg Brouwer, Dane Sinn, Todd Jenson, Jamie Ferguson. Row 3: Dave Jeffries, JonathanChamblee, Will Lennon, Andy Stephens, Kevin Brouwer, Trevor Brown. Row 4: CoachSandy Searcy, Mike Eaton, Ryan Bookwalter, Pat Lennon, Bill Ramos.72 Boys Swimming^ m
Collection: Bloomington High School North

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