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Bloomington High School North, Nikean, 1996, Page 58

Description: //Our Tales Are Out of Here//Being more, wild,crazy, fun and daring makesthe graduation class of 96 themost unique of all those whowere here before us. We, inour 4 years, watched ourschool undergo numerouschanges. We began with Dennis Martin, who the class of96 will never forget as ourfirst principal. Now we leaveNorth as current principal Susan Beermarfs first graduating class. We were blessed asthe only class to have 4 yearsof Winter Intensive Term andvariations of Student PursuitTime, and the last class withonly 6 periods to sit through.The Senior locker bay. freshlypainted and Senior parking lotbegan with the class of 96, aswell as the infamous BeermanNo Hat* policy. We showedour spirit in bell-bottoms andpolyester to support all ourteams, and dressed up ourguys as handsome women.Tears of laughter and sadnessbrought together and madesome of the best friends of ourlives. Hopefully, all thememories we have shared inthese hallways have made usbetter people and prepared usfor the real world that is outthere waiting. Where ever wego and what ever we do thesememories will be with us. Wehave left our mark and ourtales will Shine on forever.Senior Class Officers: Row 1: Secretary Regan McKeen and PresidentFrank DiSilvestro. Row 2: Treasurer Allison Ragon and Vice PresidentJustin Park.Peace, love, and hair grease says Shawna Thomas is bad to theCrystal Burris as she takes a blast bone with her camera.into the past.513 I SENIORS
Collection: Bloomington High School North

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