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Toast, Bagels, and English MuffinsBloomington HighSchool North is fortunate tohave a group of dedicated andresponsible teachers that helpstudents acquire a higherknowledge of the English language through reading, writing, and class discussions.English isnt taught from atext book any more. The English department is chuck fullof different classes to suit^our special interests.Classes such as CollegeComposition (which enablesla student to earn collegeI credit), Latin & Greek Derivatives, Themes in Literature,Film Literature, and BritishLiterature show the wide variety of available courses. Photojournalism and AdvancedPhotojournalism are offeredfor people who enjoy workingwith a camera, and studentscan become a part of suchpublications as The NorthStar, our school newspaper,or The Nikean, our yearbook.With such a wide selection of English courses, Northstudents get the most out oftheir education no matterwhich class interests them.Allison Thompson looks over Jenn Stalters shoulder and becomes engrossed in the most recent edition of the little-known publication, You andYour Kidneys.Whats your excuse for leaving today? asks Mr. Pfingston.Sophomores Marcus Dunbar and Pam Rowley contemplate what to do next.20ACAt>erA\C5 |
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Bloomington High School North |
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