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Gymnasts Show Power/GraceT* he GymnasticsA Team this year wasfew in number but verydedicated. Most of thegymnasts were 1st yearmembers with the exception of returning letter winner Amy Troxel.The team consisted ofsenior Betsy Cousins,sophomores AishaGoens, Lisa Hartke,Amy Troxel, and freshman Diana Brashear.They had lots of helpand support from manager Mark Buehler.From the beginning tolate in the season theywere plagued by numerous injuries. Theyended the dual meetseason with a record of5-7 and Betsy Cousinsbroke school recordseverywhere she went.She now holds recordsin vault, 9.7; unevenbars, 9.75; balancebeam, 9.55; floor exercise, 9.75; and allaround, 38.25.The team placed 6th inthe Conference meetand individually Betsyset several Conferencerecords as she sweptall first places. Theteam is looking forwardto hosting the Sectionalmeet.§Diana Brashear concentrates during her bar routine.Sophomore Lisa Hartkeworks on her flexibility onthe beam.Gymnastics team, Row 1: Betsy Cousins, Renee Lucas, Amy Troxel, Lisa Hartke, Row 2:Aisha Goens, Kelly McCord.Shadows of Gymnastics |
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Bloomington High School North |
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