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Flash!Jfi~There/m\AMarch 30, 1981 ReaganAssassination Attempt,Washington, DC ...oJust one hour before President Reagan was to be shot hisassassin John Hinckley waswriting a love letter to JodieFoster. He had been in love withher for over seven months andwanted to impress her byshooting President Reagan. Justas soon as the President and hismen came out of the VIP roomfrom the Hilton, Hinckley firedsix shots and three of them hitbodies. President Reagan washit by a bullet which ricochetedoff the car, into his side andcame to rest three inches fromhis heart. Jim Brady, PressSecretary, was shot in the head,Secret Service Agent TimothyMcCarthy was hit in the chest,and Policeman ThomasDelahanty was shot in the neck.All men, after months of care,survived the ordeal. JohnHinkley still waits in jail for histrial to come up.June 16,1981 Kroger Strike,Bloomington, Indiana ...Forty Kroger stores went onstrike with a few closing down tilla new contract was made forworkers. The issues involvedover the contract were jobsecurity, seniority rights, retention of replacement workers anddeli-bakery workers pay? Thestrike ran for 25 days and on July 10 a new contract was votedin. The new contract gave a$1.35 raise and double pay onSunday. It failed to give newworkers pay equal to those whohave been working longer.October 6, 1981 Assassination Anwar Sadat, Cairo ...As the Egyptian Presidentwatched an extravagant paradecelebrating his 1973 surprise attack on Israel, a junior lieuta-nant stepped from a truck andwalked toward him. Sadat rose,expecting a salute. Instead, theman threw a grenade and aband of accomplices scrambledfrom the truck and opened fire.Sadat, mortally wounded, fell ina mass of overturned chairs andblood. The people responsiblefor this were a small group ofIslamic fundamentalists, whowere angered by Sadats admiration for Western ways.July 29, 1981 The RoyalWedding St. PaulsCathedral, London, EnglandIt was estimated that nearly 1out of every 5 people on earthwatched the wedding of LadyDiana Spencer to PrinceCharles. Inflation-struck Englandspent over two million dollars onthe wedding. The royal eventgave the timeless appeal of afairytale romance—a dashingPrince Charming matched withthe lovely daughter of an Earl. Inmarrying Prince Charles, LadyDiana will become a FutureQueen and mother of a monarchto come. Prince Charles will notonly inherit the Queens wealthbut her vast obligations also.It has been announced thatLady Diana is pregnant now andis expecting in June. Her suddenweight gain has doctors believing that she is going to havetwins. The royal offspring willbecome second in line to thethrone behind Charles. |
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Bloomington High School North |
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