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Bloomington High School, The Gothic, 1959, Page 4

Description: I IIIThe blackboard in the front hall with enrollment information is a popular spot on the first day of school.The Key to Our Future Is StillThe key to our future is the knowledge we acquire during our formative years at Bloomington High School.Knowledge is as important to each individual as growth.If our growth is stunted, we will be underdeveloped; ifour knowledge is stunted, we will not be prepared to takeour place in todays world. This knowledge includes getting along with people, the ability to laugh at our ownmistakes, the courage to assume responsibility, and thecapacity to participate effectively. From the time we spentin the classroom, we gain knowledge of the world aroundus. We learn of the wonders of science, the beauty of artand music, the value of being able to express ourselves,and the usefulness of our talents. The most lasting valuegained in the classroom is an inquiring mind. When weare challenged and want to know why and how, we arebetter prepared to face the future. Knowing how to getalong with people is a necessity for a well-rounded life.Through the clubs we join, the friends we make, the funwe have, and the mistakes we make, we learn to give anddevelop a sense of humor. Participation in sports helps todevelop a sound, healthy individual. For the participant andspectator alike, sports give a sense of fair play and loyalty.In these many phases of school life, we have found thekey to our future.The bookstore bustles as the beginning of school means back tothe books again.■-- ...:a-,...j ,gwjigp^p^w
Collection: Bloomington High School

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