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Bloomington High School, The Gothic, 1956, Page 95

Description: Dean of BoysWorking with boys and their problems isone of the many duties of MR. CARLSTEWART, dean of boys at BloomingtonHigh School. Working with these boys andtheir problems includes working with irregular attendances, difficulties in classes,personal problems, and disciplinary problems. He holds many conferences with parents and teachers concerning problems involving students. Mr. Stewart also issuespart-time schedules, handles the McCaughanstudent loan fund sponsored by the Parent-Teacher Association, and cooperates with theprobation department in cases of juveniledelinquency.In addition to these jobs, Mr. Stewart ischairman of the social committee for facultywhich plans all dinners, parties, and othersocial functions, chairman of the salary committee for the Metropolitan Teachers Association which proposes a salary schedule tothe school board and superintendent, serveson the guidance committee, and assigns hallmonitors, attendance helpers, and absencecollectors.Mr. Stewart has received his B.S. degreefrom Central Normal College at Danville,Indiana and his M.S. degree from IndianaUniversity. At the present time Mr. Stewartis writing his thesis for his Doctors degree.Dean of GirlsThe dean of girls, MRS. MARY KRUEGER, has a very important job in the administration of Bloomington High School.Mrs. Kruegers job starts before school everymorning. This consists mainly of writingreadmission blanks for students whose homeroom teachers have first period classes orare in the gymnasium. During the day Mrs.Krueger has numerous other jobs which consist of keeping attendance cards for eachgirl in B.H.S., of taking care of one periodabsences, and of interviewing students whohave several absences. As director of activities, Mrs. Krueger has many jobs concerningthe numerous clubs at B.H.S. She is responsible for scheduling the club meetings,for making club passes for the eight-hundredstudents who belong to clubs, and for making announcements concerning club meetings.In addition to all of these jobs Mrs. Kruegeris chairman of the after-game dance committee. This consists of attending all aftergame dances, and of getting workers forthese dances. She is also on the executivecommittee of the Parent-Teacher Associationand was responsible for getting the morethan twelve-hundred members. With all ofthese duties, Mrs. Krueger is one of thebusiest persons at B.H.S.95
Collection: Bloomington High School

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