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B-MenThe purposes of the B-Men are to developstudent interest in athletics, to promote goodfeeling among athletes of all sports, and to createacceptable mental, physical, and moral attitudetoward opponents, fellow students, and theschool. B-Men club is an organization open toall boys awarded major letters in the highschools athletic program.A main project of the B-Men was developingan athletic handbook to be given to all boyswho go out for any sport. The boys also sponsored a booth at the Winter Carnival. Following the end of the season of the fall and wintersports, a parent-son banquet is held, and theB-Mens trophy is awarded to the boy who isvoted most valuable by his team mates. Anhonorary captain is also chosen. At the end ofthe season in the spring, an all-sports banquet isheld for all boys who went out for any sportduring the year.Another very worthwhile project of the B-Menthis year was the managing of the Junior Highand Freshmen basketball games.A sweater with an eight inch letter is awardedto any boy who completes the requirements foran award in any sport. For winning a letterin more than one sport, a boy is awarded ajacket with an eight inch letter. A boy is entitled to wear a chevron for each year in whichhe earns a letter. The officers for this yearsclub were as follows: David EuDaly, president;Philip Prince, vice-president; and Jerry Chandler, secretary-treasurer. Sponsor of this athletichonorary is Mr. Marvin Groh.R-MENRow one—Don Rush, Theodore Skirvin, David Medaris,Jerry Tardy, Ronnie Hutcherson, Don Pate, John Henry,Kenny Simpson, Don Kinney, David Lysher. Row two—Kenneth Bennett, Mike Minnemeyer, Millard Hacker, TomCurts, Eddie Madding, Bob Cassidy, Louie Bailey, DavidEuDaly, John Stevens. Row three—Ernie Lockridge, LarryParks, David Martin, Dick Tardy, David Lake, Don Hall,Mike Kerr, Bob Ellis, Jerry Ridge, Larry Fleener, TonyMcMillan. Row four—Charlie Miller, Philip Prince, JoeLake, Carl Lentz, Erwin Cooper, Jerry Prince, Tom Parker,David Davis, Jim Ferguson, Feltus Leinenweber, DavidSnapp, Morris Deckard, John Bowlen.B-MEN OFFICERSDavid EuDaly, president; Jerry Chandler, secretary-treasurer; Philip Prince, vice-president.This Page Sponsored by HENRY LEE—your Tax Man621 South Rogers — Phone 7/6275 |
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Bloomington High School |
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