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Bloomington High School, The Gothic, 1956, Page 60

Description: Football LettermenThis years Football team had a total of 22 major award winners.Eight boys will be back for next years campaign.Don Rush, senior halfback, was an excellent broken-field runnerand an exceptional defensive player. Don was All-state honorablemention this year . . . Dave EuDaly, senior, quarterbacked the teamthis year and was a fine ball handler . . . John Bowlen, senior guard,was a steady player and a main cog in the forward wall . . . MikeKerr, speed and agility made this senior halfback a fine runner and aneven better defensive man . . . Jerry Tardy, a very conscientious player,gained experience that will make him a leader of next years team . . .David Davis, senior tackle, was one of the biggest men on the teamand was a stalwart of the line . . . David Martin, spirit made this juniorguard a fine team player . . . Charles Miller, Charlie played tackle onoffense and end on defense; he was a fine kicker . . . Philip Prince,senior end, was a polished pass receiver and capitalized on this factorgreatly . . . David Snapp, senior end, Daves spirit was always highand he contributed much to the teams success . . . David Medaris,junior center, contributed highly to this years team.Football AccountThe Bloomington High SchoolPanthers, showing improvement inevery game, worked hard and cameup with a very successful season.The Panthers racked up a betterthan average 6-4 season mark. ThePurple team was unbeaten on itshome battlefield and finished itscampaign with a third place rank inthe Southern Indiana Athletic Association.Fourteen seniors ended their football days for B.H.S. in the last gameagainst a Calumet area team, Ho-bart. These were: Morris Deckard,Philip Prince, David Davis, CharlesMiller, John Bowlen, Philip Smith,and Tony McMillan. Also DonRush, David EuDaly, Larry Parks,Kenny Bennett, Mike Kerr, andDavid Snapp. Fullback Jerry Ridgecompleted his prep eligibility earlierin the season.Ronnie Bland, John Henry, LarryFleener, David Medaris, David Martin, Jerry Tardy, and Feltus Leinen-weber were the outstanding juniormembers.In the first game of the season, thePanthers played the Columbus Bulldogs. The Purple team was ahead ineverything but the final score at theend of the game. The Bulldogs capitalized on their breaks and came upwith an 18-13 victory.The Panthers appeared an earlywinner in the early minutes of thesecond game. Coach Huffs boyscompletely dominated the first 20minutes, but did a complete about-face in the final 28 minutes as theyabsorbed a 33-7 thumping at thehands of New Albany.Bloomington High, in their nextgame, found their home debut ahappy occasion. Despite a muddyMumby field, the Purple halted atwo-game season losing streak at theexpense of the Washington Hatchets,18-6.The Panthers started slowly butpicked up in the last part of the firstquarter and continued on their wayto a 38-0 trouncing of the Tell CityMarksmen. The local boys, showingThis Page Sponsored by ELZA OWENS JEWELRY109 S. Walnut—Keepsake Diamonds60
Collection: Bloomington High School

Further information on this record can be found at its source.