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Bloomington High School, The Gothic, 1956, Page 52

Description: BOOSTERSRow one—Mary Douthitt, Sharon Elmore, Darlene Bushert, Janice Empson,Mary Howard, Nancy Cowden. DonnaUnderwood, Carolyn Sullivan, CatherineHinkle, Janice Hawkins. Row two—AnnChadwick, Mary Jane Gilpatrick, LindaHankins. Shirley Bruce. Maxine Chandler, Carol Maras, Pat Henry, HarrietteBurch, Norma Skirvin, Barbara Day.Row three—Betty Denney, Janet Polley, Laveina Dick, Barbara Moller,Wilma Denniston, Janet Wenrich, JoyceMills, Joan Miller, Nancy Rowlett, Jeanette Vernon. Row four ■—- Pat Gray,Karen Hamilton, Becky Sexton, JudyBrummett, Nancy Engleman. BarbaraGodsey, Marilyn Wilson, David Pomeroy,Bill Hawk, Sue Sieboldt.BOOSTERSRow one—Mr. Hooker, Joyce Disney,Jacquie Hancock, Sonja Crouch, RogerIsaacs, Lowell Bush. David Lysher,Beverly Leonard, Ann Marlin, SusanWatson. Row two—Don Kinney, Mr.Avery, Pat Dunlap, Joey Hankins, LindaHash, Sandra Brinegar, Patty Myers,Paddy Engle, Mentoria Reedy, BettyHardin, Joan Benavole. Row three—C.Wayne Lutes, Larry Steele, Delmar Haywood, John Stevens, Norma Dixon, Nancy Hauck, Bonnie Flora, Glenda Bruner,Rosalie Underwood, Sharon Bowman,Linda Hays, Judy Salee. Row four—Bill Frame, Donald C. Rader, PhilipSmith, Feltus Leinenweber, Tom Minnick, Nancy Logsdon, Jackie Tucker,Erma Sims, Loretta Clayton, DonettaShields, June Crandall, Lois Shiflet,Shannon Weaver.Senior BoostersTo contribute to better school spirit andmorale, to create better student-faculty relationships, and to create better ideals of sportsmanship are the purposes of the Senior High Boosters Club. To become a member of the club, astudent must have a record of good citizenshipand must display good school spirit. In additionto this, all members are required to purchaseseason basketball tickets.At all of the home basketball games the clubmembers sat together in a block and wore whiteshirts and white gloves. The card section wasused very effectively in many of the yells duringthe basketball games. A festive touch was addedto the Bloomington High gym at the Bedfordgame during the Christmas season when thecard section formed a Christmas tree with itscards. Christmas tree decorations and presentswere placed on the tree and as the formationwas completed the club began to sing Christmassongs. At each home game a large picture of theBloomington High Panther and the mascot ofthe opposing team were displayed in front of theclubs cheering section. The Boosters Club co-sponsored a pep session with the varsity yellleaders for the first basketball game of the season. The club also followed the Panther team tothe game at Washington.The Senior High Boosters Club officers forthe year 1955 to 1956 were John Stevens, president; Donald Kinney, vice-president; RosalieUnderwood, secretary; and Nancy Logsdon,treasurer. The co-sponsors of the club are Mr.John Hooker and Mr. Joe Avery.This Page Sponsored by DAILY HERALD-TELEPHONEYour GOOD Evening Newspaper52
Collection: Bloomington High School

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