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INTERNATIONALRELATIONS CLUBRow one—Edward Baker, ShirleyKoontz, Phyllis Lentz, LorettaSimison, Janet Polley, Naola Rush.Row two—John Stevens, SarahJo Fleetwood, Leona McGlothlin,Geneva Snell, Judy Knight, EstherOliphant, Marian Corbin. Roicthree—Onva Boshears, Janet Helton, Reba Ridge, Margaret Day,Kay Brown. Jim Branam. Rowfour — C. Wayne Lutes, NelsonHooge, Donald Fowler, MickeyCraig. Kenneth Hollingsworth,Gary Hill.INTERNATIONALRELATIONS CLUBRow one—Adeline Brengle, MarilynJohnson, Elizabeth Warnock, Janice Empson, Sharron Foutch, BettyHardin. Row two—Evelyn McClure,Nancy Rowlett, Jeanette Vernon,Charlotte Deal. Lois Brown, Beverly Carrell, Laveina Dick. Rowthree—Steve Minnick, Karel Brown,Maxine Chandler, Cleo Brown,Mary Ann Guthrie, Jim Smith, DonPhillips. Row four—Robin McNeil,Jerry Zink, Larry Bond, Jim Richardson, Larry Van Hoy.International Relations ClubINTERNATIONAL RELATIONS OFFICERSMargaret Day, president; Onva Boshears, vice-president,Betty Hardin, secretary; Miss Adeline Brengle, sponsor.To give students a picture of life in foreigncountries and thus create a better understanding of world problems is the aim of the International Relations Club. Helping to promote thispurpose were foreign students from IndianaUniversity who discussed the customs and beliefs of their countries with the club members,and townspeople who led discusssions andshowed pictures about countries through whichthey had traveled. One very interesting guestspeaker was Rebecca Bryant, a B.H.S. senior,who told the club of her unforgettable trip tothe United Nations headquarters in New YorkCity last October. The club members also viewedtwo movies which showed the United Nations inaction through the WTorld Health Organizationand the technical assistance program.An unusual feature of the club is the fact thatit does not charge a membership fee. The onlyrequirements for membership are an interest incurrent events and a desire to learn about foreign lands and people. A project which is almosta tradition of the club is that of sending moneyfor a CARE package to an overseas student.Club members may also obtain foreign pen palsthrough the International Relations Club.The club sponsor is Miss Adeline Brengle. Theofficers were Margaret Day, president; OnvaBoshears, vice-president and program chairman;and Betty Hardin, secretary-.This Page Sponsored by COLONIAL FURNITURE COMPANY—Corner 6th and Morton48 |
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Bloomington High School |
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