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InternationalRelationsClubJane Thompson; Miss Ferger, sponsor; Bob Wood; Courtney Kaschube;Free Donna Bayne, secretary; Juanola Lind, president; Albert Holler;vice president; Joan Johnson; Barbara WeaverRussia! Palestine! United Nations! Civil Rights and Ratial Intolerance! Allof these headline topics were discussed during the year in panel discussions, question periods and special reports. Several members attended lectures by ProfessorMichael Ginsburg, who clarified problems which arose in the discussion on Russia.During the second semester, the members forgot world affairs for an eveningand held a party in the girls gym. After this brief vacation, everyone in the culbhelped to present a convocation, which concluded a successful year.Spanish ClubHola, amigos! The Spanish Club learned of the customs of Mexico and Guatemala through Mrs. Laura Childs andMrs. Lillian Hershey, who related theirexperiences in these countries and displayed souvenirs. Movies from Spanishspeaking countries, one of which wasin Spanish dialogue, were shown.During the Christmas season, Spanishand Mexican Christmas customs werediscussed and carols were sung in Spanish.A hayride in November and an allschool dance featuring Bob Blair andhis Orchestra, were the chief socialevents of the year. The club also sponsored a pep-session in preparation forthe Sectionals.Madonna Reynolds; Keith Alexander, president; Susie Sufivan. secretary; Richard Lettelleir, vice president; Virginia Owens;Carlton JohnsonPage 38This Page Sponsored by CITY HAT and SHOE SHOP |
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Bloomington High School |
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