Bloomington High School, The Gothic, 1950, Page 96

Description: Row 1—Martha Rowlett. PhyllisMarlin, Frances Branam, DavidHennon, Bob Pafford, Mary Cross,Burton Riggs, Joan Gavin.Row 2—Jane Robertson, EdnaEker, Imogene Cooper, CharlesStickles, Joan Miller, SidneyBranam, Janet Lettelleir, De-Maris Faucette.Row 3—Janice Thompson, SondraDess, Sara Potter, Joan Craig,Mary Hiland, Sue Groh, WilliamVoorhies, Alice Hawkins.Row 1—Miss Brengle, JeanineCarter, Martha Herrin, OllieSpradling, Louise Buress. PatFleener, Barbara Reynolds, JaneRobertson, Pat Tartaglia, CharlesBunge.Row 2—Joan Bennett. JeanneCardwell, Charlene Shauntee,Kathleen Smith, Lorna Lutes,Paul Martindale, Jeannine Thornton, Sue Owings, Martha Bartlett, Charles Williams, ClaudieWeaver, Jack Litten.Row 3—Esther Lentz, Joyce Randall, Sondra Dess, Jack Chambers.Jim Van Hook, Marilyn Wilson,Marie Neal, Betty Hudoff, JuanitaPeace, Martha Trueblood, MardellJefferson.Row 4—Herbert Lemon, Don Gray.Bob Cbfatfield, Phillip Martin, BillBurgess, Carleton Johnson, BillDillman, Kenneth Goodall, JohnJackson.Technical StaffWhere is the red paint? Who is going tohelp me wash this flat?These and many other remarks can be heardas the technical staff builds the set for anotherschool play production.With Mr. William Voorhies as sponsor, thisactive group works diligently behind the sceneswashing flats, fixing scenery, and doing otherodd jobs that need to be completed before thecurtain rises.Consisting of lighting, scenery, and makeupcrews, the competent technical staff plays amajor role in the production of a play.International Relations ClubAs the name, International Relations Clubsuggests, international problems are discussedand debated by the members. This club appealsespecially to the students who are interested incurrent events. Major Problems Concerningthe Entire World, was the general theme of theschool year.Miss Adeline Brengle, sponsor of the club,related some of her experiences in England andScotland during the summer of 1949.One of the social events the club enjoyed wasa picnic supper which was held at the CascadesPark at the beginning of the school year.Page 96This Page Sponsored by SEXTONS MARKET — 1502 S. Walnut Street
Collection: Bloomington High School

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