Collection Order

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Bloomington High School, The Gothic, 1950, Page 77

Description: Row 1—Pat Fleener, Phyllis Good-all, Jeanine Carter, Shirley Bond,Carolyn Jones, Gwen Smith,Nancy Roberts, Mrs. Brown.Row 2—Philip Martin, Pat Wiley,Mary Lou Pitman, Mary Martin,Susie Sullivan, Donna Bissey, JudyDouthitt, Marilyn Wilson, Elizabeth Hannum, Miss Dodds.Row 3—Esther Lentz, Phills Smith,Betty Andrews, Joyce Randall,Janet Turpin, Janice Eddleman,Joan Craig, Marie Neal, Jim VanHook, Jim Lundy.ETA.The Robert Dale Owen Chapter of the Future Teachers of America Club was organizedin B.H.S. this year. During the year the clubheard Miss Fay Argenbright, assistant to thedirector of the Bureau of Teacher Recommendations at Indiana University, speak about theteaching career in general. At one meeting,the members of the introduction to teachingclass, belonging to the club, related their experiences at the various schools where theydid their cadet teaching.Sponsors of the club are Miss ElizabethDodds and Mrs. June Brown.Aviation ClubDealing with the different phases of aviation, the Aviation Club was organized lastyear for the purpose of promoting a more active interest in the aviation field.This year the club journeyed to KistersField for observation purposes. Mr. GarwoodJudah, representative from Kisters Field.,spoke to the club at one of the first semestermeetings. The club also constructed a pantherfor the Panther Mascot contest.Sponsors of the organization are Mr. H.D.McAdams and Mr. Joe Avery.Row 1—Don Ooly, Jerry Bauer,Jerry Dyer, David Hinkle, PatWiley, Juanita Peace, Martha Bartlett. Jeanine Thornton, Sue Ow-ings.Row 2—Mr. McAdams, RoseKeough, Peggy Hill, Marvin Ful-ford, Kenneth Williams, MaryGardner, Patsy Sparks, SondraDess, Jack Sparks, Mr. Avery.Row 3—Jerry Chitwood, Joe Roberts, Jim Smith, Charles Swayne,Jim Lundy, Don Harding, JackHawkins, Morris McCoy, MarkBeymer, Teddy Lind.This Page Sponsored by VANS MAID - RITE — 119 E. 6th StreetPage 77
Collection: Bloomington High School

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