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Bloomington High School, The Gothic, 1943, Page 12

Description: cJ^Cew Classes—New Trades TaughtOld familiar courses were supplemented by new classes and tradesin direct preparation for war work.Pre-flight aeronautics and radio prepared boys for duty in the armedforces.Pan-American relations having become so important, Spanish wasadded to the foreign language curriculum.The Home Economics Department undertook two new projects thisyear. During the first semester two classes in nutrition were offeredto parents of children whom the health department found undernourished.The second semester an exchange unit went into effect with the girlsbeing taught how to make Victory Gardens, and the boys being tutored innutrition.*Annual physical examinations were required, and one of the contributing factors ofthe physical fitness program was calisthenics.The Industrial Department offered classes from four oclock in the morning untilmidnight, in blueprint reading, machine tooloperation, welding, drafting, and precisioninstrument reading.War geography and current events cameto the fore in the social sciences, and newwar developments were discussed in scienceclasses.Keyed to new and better methods oflearning, students of B. H. S. graduate intothe definite positions for which they havebeen prepared.
Collection: Bloomington High School

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