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Bloomington High School, The Gothic, 1930, Page 20

Description: WITH the close of the present semester Mr. Ralph N. Tirey,Superintendent of the BloomingtonPublic School system, will close anotherbanner year for the public schools ofBloomington. The class of 1930 is thefirst class to graduate from the Bloomington High School which has spent itsentire time in the care of Mr. Tirey. Hehas been very popular Avith the studentbody and during the years that he hasbeen here the public school system herehas taken the lead in educational activities all over the state. Mr. Tirey hasbeen instrumental in the construction ofthe Elm Heights Grade School, and thenew Bloomington High School Gymnasium, which is one of the finest in thestate of Indiana. He also has done much to speed the constructionof the new athletic field behind the high school building. The entireschool thanks Mr. Tirey for his efficient management.Ralph N. TireySuperintendent(PEKING his first year as leader ofthe Bloomington High School, Mr.Vilmer L. Tatlock immediately won thehearts of the students and had one ofthe most successful years at the Purpleinstitution that the Bloomington HighSchool has ever experienced. Mr. Tatlock is a graduate of Indiana Universityand came to Bloomington from Lebanonwhere he also held the position of principal. Mr. Tatlock possesses a greatsense of humor that makes his presencesought after by every one. He waselected one of the sponsors of the Seniorclass and had much to do with the success of this publication. He has beenan enthusiastic supporter of all athleticactivities and has instituted several newideas into the school system that have pleased the student body.The class of 1930 takes this opportunity of thanking Mr. Tatlockfor his hearty support of their enterprises.V. L. TatlockPrincipalTwenty
Collection: Bloomington High School

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