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Bloomington High School, The Gothic, 1928, Page 113

Description: THE NEW STONE MILLThe building pictured above is the architects conception of BloomingtonHigh Schools new stone mill. This mill will probably be the first of its kindto be built by students. It was started early last summer and the plan is tohave it completed by next winter.The building itself is fifty feet wide and ninety feet long. The stonewas donated by various quarries and the machinery by some of the mills. Thecost will be approximately forty-five thousand dollars.The mill is under the supervision of Mr. E. L. Murray and the labor isperformed entirely by students.THE DISTRICT LATIN CONTESTIn this, the fifth year of the State Latin Contest, Bloomington HighSchool again has the distinction of carrying off a first place and a second placerespectively, in the two divisions entered by its representatives in the districtexaminations. These were held at Washington, Indiana, on Saturday, March24, 1928.Alice Malott in the Cicero division carried off first honors. This victorybrought with it the privilege of wearing a beautiful gold medal and of enteringthe finals to be held at Indiana University on April 20. Ross Lockridge wonsecond place in a field of fourteen competitors from seven counties.The examination is a written one lasting two and a half hours. It coversa wide range, embracing review translation, sight translation, comprehension,syntax, form work, vocabulary, background, mythology and English derivative work. Distinction in so comprehensive an examination is a triumph inmany fields.Paeie One Hundred and Thirteen
Collection: Bloomington High School

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