Bloomington High School, The Gothic, 1927, Page 70

Description: THE 1927 GOTHICSUMMARY OF SPORTSThe month of June, 1926 saw the departure of a number of prominent athletes from B. H. S. Among the foremost of these were Moser,Teague, and Westmorland. These vacancies left Coach Johnson a nucleusof four men for the 1926-27 squad. The team was built around Costas,Hepley, Stone, and Capt. Cordell. The year 1927 also saw the advent ofmany good men in the field of basketball.Coach Johnson started his men on the right track by winning thefirst game against Greencastle. Then came a series of defeats by smallmargins, after which the Panthers came back and beat Vincennes, winning the famous Victory Brick. Bloomington kept the brick for threegames, but finally lost it to Washington in a rough game. Then although Capt. Cordell was back in the lineup, there came another stringof losses including Delphi. The week following they went to Bedfordwhere they lost a fast game by the score of 32-28.The second team was coached by Johnson and his assistant, Kuhr.This team was made up of Sophomores entirely and succeeded in winningthe major portion of a hard schedule. The second team, captained byCharles Harrell, should be the best in the state by 1928.In football, the Panthers were not quite so successful as in the majorsport, basketball. About forty men answered Coach Johnsons call, butmany of these were inexperienced. Weinland captained the squad, andhis work was head and shoulders above the rest.The 1926 track team was highly successful in its endeavors. Theirmost notable victory was at a triangular meet at Washington, where theywon the Southern Indiana relay in1 close to record time. The outstanding members of the squad were Smith, Sullivan, Richardson and Teague.Miss Carr had charge of the girls sports. These sports includedSoccer and basketball. Soccer was inaugurated this fall and many girlscame out for it. Although no games were played, valuable experiencefor future use was obtained. Basketball brought out larger numbersthan soccer. Practice was held two or three times a week, although nointerscholastic games were played. Miss Carr expects to enter the girlsin the foul shooting contest as she did last year.In closing, it may be said that Bloomington went through a very successful year of sports, and the outlook is exceedingly favorable for nextyear.I[rfr7^~* Page seventyn5^H
Collection: Bloomington High School

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