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The German ChorusA VITAL PART of the life of the German people is thesinging of songs. One cannot thoroughly appreciateGerman life and literature without a certain degreeof familiarity with the songs most frequently sung.In order to introduce the German pupils of the Bloom-ington High School to German life as revealed in Germansongs, a German Chorus was organized about the middle ofthe first semester. The Chorus meets Tuesday afternoonsfrom 3:15 to 3:45, in the Assembly Room, and is under thedirection of the teachers in German. Attendance is op-tional, but the pupil who purchases a copy of the DeutschesLiederbuch and attends every meeting is entitled to an addi-tional 3 per cent on his semester grade in German. Aboutone hundred and fifty pupils were enrolled the first semesterand approximately the same number the second semester.No effort has been made to prepare elaborate programsor provide special numbers, as the aim is to have the pupilsdo the singing. Later, however, when the pupils have be-come familiar with German songs, it is hoped that thepractice period may be varied by an occasional special num-ber. The meetings have been very enjoyable and haveprovd to be a source of inspiration and profit to the greaternumbr who have participated.Page Seventy-seven |
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Bloomington High School |
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