Collection Order

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List of expenses to George Wallace Jr, 30 November 1806

Description: List of expenses incurred at Vincennes for November 1806 for supplies including green fabric, ink bottles and stands, quills, drawer lock, pen knife, paste board, thread, bolt tape, portfolios, and fools cap.
Origin: 1806-11-30
Contributor(s): Wallace, George Jr.
Collection: Indiana Before Statehood
Copyright: The State Archives charges a Use Fee for the use of its images in publications, exhibits, or on websites. Please consult with an archivist, and see their website for further information
Geography: United States-Indiana-Knox County-Vincennes
Subjects: Vincennes (Ind.)
Wallace, George Jr.
Expenditures, Public
Wool fabrics -- Indiana Territory
Writing -- Materials and instruments -- Indiana Territory
Thread -- Indiana Territory
Paper -- Indiana Territory
Knives -- Indiana Territory
Cabinet hardware -- Indiana Territory

Further information on this record can be found at its source.