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Reverse glass painting of woman playing kora

Description: This contemporary Senegalese painting was created with a very interesting and time-consuming technique called reverse glass painting. First, an image is drawn or simply conceptualized on one side of a piece of glass. It is then painted layer by layer onto the glass. Each layer must dry completely before the next is applied. When complete, the back of a painting is taped with paper for protection so the paint will not scratch off. The woman in the painting is wearing a traditional dress and hairstyle worn by some women in Senegal. White cowrie shells outline her elaborate hair. She plays a traditional West African instrument called the kora. Reverse glass painting appears everywhere in Senegal, from works of art to store fronts to taxi cab windows.
Collection: The Children's Museum of Indianapolis
Copyright: Creative Commons (CC By-SA 3.0);
Subjects: Glass painting and staining
Painting on glass
Senegal -- Social life and customs
Kora (Musical instrument)
Musical instruments

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