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General William H. Harrison at the Battle of Tippecanoe

Description: The lithograph pictures General Harrison with his army at the Battle of Tippecanoe. The caption at the bottom of the lithograph reads: Upon one occasion, as he (Genl. Harrison) was approaching an angle of the Line, against which the Indians were advancing with horrible yells, Lieut. Emmerson seized the Bridle of his Horse, and earnestly entreated that he would not go there; but the Governor, putting spurs to his Horse, pushed on to the point of Attack, where the Enemy were received with firmness and driven back. (Vide. Hist. Battle Tippecanoe.) [Emison family descendants have claimed that in this lithograph Lt. Emmerson is actually Lt. Thomas Emison.]
Origin: 1840
Created By: N. Currier
Publisher: N. Currier
Collection: Treasures from the Indiana Historical Society
Copyright: This image may be printed or downloaded by individuals, schools or libraries for personal use, study, research or classroom teaching without permission. For other uses contact:
Geography: Indiana
Subjects: Lithographs
Harrison, William Henry 1773-1841
Emison, Thomas, 1776-1836
Tippecanoe, Battle of, 1811

Further information on this record can be found at its source.