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Letter from E.L. Pollitt (Erastus Pollett) to His Sister, Laura Pollitt, July 3, 1865

Description: Pollitt mentions the number of sharks in the water around the island. There were about 150 prisoners there, some for committing robbery or murder. Some men in his group deserted and would loose their citizenship for it. The fort had room for about 940 heavy guns.
Origin: 1865-07-3
Created By: Pollitt, E. L. (Erastus Pollett, 1st Ind. Heavy Artillery)
Publisher: Digital Image 2008 Indiana Historical Society. All Rights Reserved.
Collection: Civil War Materials
Copyright: This image may be printed or downloaded by individuals, schools or libraries for study, research or classroom teaching without permission. For other uses contact:
Geography: Florida--Santa Rosa Island--Fort Pickens
Subjects: Sharks
Military deserters
Indiana--History--Civil War, 1861-1865
Indiana--History--Civil War, 1861-1865--Personal narratives
Prisoners of war
United States History--Civil War, 1861-1865

Further information on this record can be found at its source.