Collection Order

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Special field orders no. 93, L.M. Dayton, aide-de-camp, headquarters, Military Division of the Mississippi, to Major General D.S. Stanley, commanding, Department Cumberland

Description: By order of Major General W.T. Sherman, Dayton directs each commander to place sick, wounded, and excess personnel not officially connected with the unit on a tram along with any excess baggage and send the trams to Chattanooga. He also states that General Howard will continue to reconnoiter as far as Lafayette while Stanley and General Cox examine roads towards Dirttown.
Stanley, David Sloane, 1828-1902
600 ppi
This Civil War Military Front collection was funded by LSTA. A note at the bottom states that William H. Sinclair, Assistant Adujtant General, furnished General [Jefferson C.] Davis with an official copy of the order.
Origin: 1864-10-17
Created By: Sherman, William T. (William Tecumseh), 1820-1891; Dayton, L. M. (Lewis M.)
Collection: Civil War Military Front
Copyright: This image may be printed or downloaded by individuals, schools or libraries for study, research or classroom teaching without permission. For other uses contact:
Geography: Ship's Gap (Ga.)
Subjects: United States--History--Civil War, 1861-1865
United States. Army. Military Division of the Mississippi
Military reconnaissance

Further information on this record can be found at its source.