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William Maurice Griffin Jr. (Tim) and Frederick Porter Griffin

Description: William Maurice Griffin Jr., (better known as Tim), at left, and his younger brother Frederick Porter Griffin, stand dressed in suits and ties in the walled back yard of the Porter-Griffin house in Corydon, Indiana, ca. 1930. The two are the children of William Maurice and Charlotte Rupp Griffin, and the grandchildren of Patrick and Helen Porter Griffin. William Maurice Jr. received his nickname, Tim, soon after his birth in 1912. When his older brother, Henry, announced to customers of the family store, Got a tiny baby at our house, the family started calling the new baby Tiny Tim, and the moniker stuck, eventually shortened to simply Tim.
Origin: ca. 1930
Collection: Griffin Family Photos
Copyright: This image may be printed or downloaded by individuals, schools or libraries for study, research or classroom teaching without permission. For other uses contact:
Geography: Corydon, Harrison County, Indiana
Subjects: young men
clothing and dress--twentieth century
stone walls

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