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Karl Kae Knecht Cartoon

Description: Laval harasses the French people, telling them that Hitler is their friend. Behind Laval is a table covered in food, on which Hitler is getting fat. Under the table is a dead body, representative of the 90 hostages that Laval had executed shortly after his return. Knechts elephant calls Laval Judas.
Laval, Pierre, 1883-1945; Hitler, Adolf, 1889-1945
Image Access WideTEK 25
Why hes our friend, you have naught to fear. He wont even humiliate you! Loot even art to be sent to Germany French people French fleet colonies, etc. Laval food for France from Africa. Crops food money valuables industry. 90 French hostages executed first few days Laval regime. Judas.
Origin: 2014
Created By: Karl Kae Knecht
Collection: Karl K. Knecht Collection
Copyright: Digital Image Copyright 2014 University of Evansville Libraries. All rights reserved. All other material is open to the public without restrictions. Copyright laws of the United States (Title 17, United States Code) govern the making of photocopies or other reproductions of copyrighted material.
Subjects: WWII
Evansville (Ind.) -- History -- Caricatures and cartoons
United States -- Politics and government -- 20th century -- Caricatures and cartoons
Caricatures and cartoons -- United States
World War, 1939-1945

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