Search Results - (( where seven dw...
Showing 1 - 20 of 1,362 results
Search Results - (( where seven dw...
Showing 1 - 20 of 1,362 results
Spectators sit on chairs around a piano on the Clowes Memorial Hall stage. Some of the stage lighting is visible in the background as...
Butler University Buildings and Grounds Collection
An unknown person speaks at a lectern while standing on a platform during an event in Holcomb Gardens. Behind the speaker, people sit i...
Butler University Buildings and Grounds Collection
17 photographs in the Hoosier Ordnance Plant area at Indiana Army Ammunition Plant in Charlestown, Indiana. They show various buildings and rail&...
Clark County Collections
MR. BINFORD and MR. TEMPLETONMRS. KREUGER and MR. CUDDYCAdm in istrationSuperintendent Binford and Mr. Templeton, acting principal and assistant principal,...
Bloomington High School
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Free Time - Used to Our AdvantageBooks to read, tests to take, papers to write, lectures tolisten to . .. six hours, the greater p...
University High School
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The purpose of this book is its purposelessness – superficially speaking.--SupplementLetterpress printed on a hand proofing press. Printed in four...
Herron Library Fine Press and Book Arts Collection
19 GOTHIC 16OPTIMISTThe Optimist StaffONE of the most brilliant organizations of the school is theOptimist Staff. It is composed of a galaxy ...
Bloomington High School
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G.A.R. Memorial Hall drawing by Juliet A. Peddle, local architect and artist.
Terre Hautes Classic Example of Early Architecture, The Memorial Hall on Ohio street, One of the First Banks. Drawing by Juliet A. Peddle,...
Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology Logan Library
LEFT: Jenny Cohen suffers a fall during avolleyball game.BELOW: Jenny Cohen scores another® ® ©By doing things again and again,...
Bloomington High School South
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THE early history of the Bloomington High School is some-what hazy. The present historian does not have the data and documents at hand ...
Bloomington High School
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THE Bloomington High School Athletic Department furnished one of the most complete athletic programs eATergiven by a high school to its students&...
Bloomington High School
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^^3sfe@^C THE LLAMARADAthat time the school has been greatly improved in various ways and in 1930a permanent commission was granted...
Ellettsville High School
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While learning the radio andtelevision profession, theseradio speech students are informing the townspeopleabout B.H.S.Working Together ToSenior high and junior...
Bloomington High School
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GOTHIC STAFFOne year ago the 1946 Gothic Staffwas born. This infant had the soberresponsibility of recording the life ofB.H.S. during the year....
Bloomington High School
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——During this past school year,U-School students have attendeddances and have decorated Christmas trees and have gone caroling. Fire drills, ...
University High School
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DURING A SHOPPINGSPREE AT THE COLLEGEMALL, these BSHS students take time out fora snack. The climate-controlled Mall provides notonly a variety o...
Bloomington High School
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Three Dances Fill Students CalendarSomewhere, the 1966 All-School Dance, sponsored by the Student Council, was held in the SarkesTarzian cafeteria on&...
Bloomington High School
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V.IJBI .>s.<Top row: Bill Bowen,Bob Cleland, RussellNoyes, Bud Wylie, PaulAdams, Tom Berndt.Second row: BuddyBey, Carolyn Fee, MissAlexander, Peggy...
University High School
No subjects listed
The Mathematics ClubThe Mathematics Club was organized in BloomingtonHigh School during the fall term of 1912, with AlphaMcCaughan President, and Jane...
Bloomington High School
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BUILDINGPATRIOTSMONE QUIET MOMENT. Buddy Miller sounds reveille just before classes begineach morning, while everyone in the high school building stands...
Smithville High School
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