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Showing 101 - 120 of 536 results
Title/Description Collection Subject Search Results - (( video police s...
Showing 101 - 120 of 536 results

  • 236THE ALUMNI DIRECTORYtought two years in rural schools ofHarrison county before graduation

    1928-1929 teacher rural school, Harrison county.Barker, Vance, 2IG, ha Crawfordsville

    RFD 7

    taught two years at BrownsValley, before graduation

    1928-1929teocher of grades Youngs Chapel, Crawfordsville.Barnes, Mary M., B. S., ha Jessup

    1928-1929 teacher of home economics, Kingman

    1929-1930 teacher of home economics, Hymera.Barrowman, Gladys L. 2R, ha TerreHaute

    2706 College Ave.

    1928-1929 athome, not teaching.Barrowman, Margaret L., A. B., ha 2706College Ave., Terre Haute

    1928-1929teacher Latin, English and home economics, high school, Raub.Boss, John Allen T., 2IG, ha Dayton

    1926-1927 teacher grades 4-6 ElstonSchool, Lafayette

    1927-1929 teachergrade 6, Dayton School.Bauer, Lillian B., 2P, ha Lafayette,RFD H

    teacher Crown Point, beforegraduation

    1928-1930 teacher of grades,Lafayette.Bauer, Louise A. 2P, ha Lofayette, RFDH

    teacher at Lafayette before graduation: 1928-1929 teacher of grades Lafayette.Beach, Helen E., B. S., ha Wolcott-ville

    pa Spencer

    teacher countryschool

    Bicknell High School four years,Avilla High School one year, and Middle-town High School five years beforegraduation

    1928-1930 teacher of homeeconomics, Spencer.Bcal, Ersel

    2IG, ha Tower

    pa English

    1922-1924 teacher rural schools, Crawford county

    1924-1929 teacher grades,Leavenworth

    1929-1930 teacher gradesEnglish

    attended Oakland City Collegein 1924 and 1929.Beasley, Lois Kathryn. B. S., ha 427South 7th St., Terre Haute

    1928-1929teacher of music, National Park Seminary, Washington. D. C.

    1929-1930 giving full time to study of piano.Beatty, Ellen E., 2IG, ha Clinton


    taught five years at Fairview Pork,Clinton township before graduation

    1928teacher of grades, New Goshen.Beck, Lydia Greenlee, B. S., ha Fillmore

    pa Goshen

    taught in Hendricks countyrural school, Marion township, Hancockcounty, Mt. Comfort, before graduation

    1928-1930 at home, not teaching.Beckwith, Ethel M., 2P, ha Linton. 329N. E. 6th St.

    taught five years in thegrades at College Hill School, Linton

    1928-1929 teacher of grades, CollegeHill. Linton.Belcher, Carl J. B. S., ha Pilot Knob

    pa Frankfort. RFD 5: taught one yearin the graded schools of Crawford county and three years, Jackson High School,Clinton county before grad...

    1928-1929 teacher of schools, Clinton county.Bell, Eleanor A. 2IG, ha Terre Haute,2321 Spruce St.

    1928-1929 at home andnot teaching.Bennett, Cynthia, 2IG, ha Rosedale


    taught two years at Lyford, before graduation

    1928-1929 teacher ofgeography and physiology in the grades,Lyford, Parke county.Bernhardt, Ethel L., 2IG. ha Brazil,RFD 14, Box 13

    1928-1930 teachergrades. Van Cleave School, Perry township Clay county.Bernhardt, Myrtle, 2IG, ha Brazil

    RFD14, Box 131

    taught five years in two-room school in Perry county beforegraduation

    1928-1930 teacher grades.Center Point.Berry, Alice Lee, 2IG, ha Indianapolis:616 West 13th St.

    1928-1929 teacherelementary grades, Mt. Pleasant School,Chestertown, Md.Bietto, Mary, 2IG, ha Bicknell

    1928-1930 teacher of elementary grades,Bicknell.Birden, Lowell, A. B.

    ha Sheridan, RFD1

    pa Kirklin

    1921-1925 teacher ruralschools. Sugar Creek township, Clinton

    1925-192S teacher in high school, mathematics, Sugar Creek Consolidated, Kirklin

    1928-1929 principal of Sugar CreekConsolidated Schools, Kirklin.Bishop-Spencer, Mrs. Geneva M., 2P, pa1634 North 9th St., Terre Haute

    haTerre Haute, 502 North Center St.

    1928-1927 teacher grades, Elkhart

    1929-1S30 not teaching, homekeeper,married.Blue, V/ilson C, B. S., ha Eminence

    paCloverdale, RFD 3

    taught four yearsPutnam county and six years Morgancounty before graduation

    1928-1930teacher Latin and science in senior highschool, Eminence.Eoberg, Edith, 2IG, ha Lafayette

    taught five years in primary grades before graduation

    1928-1929 teacher Wea.township consolidated school, Tippecanoe county

    1929-1930 teacher primarygrades, Lafayette.Eohannon, Helen C. 2P, ha Terre Haute

    832 South 17th St.

    taught ten yearsHarrison township, Vigo county beforegraduation

    1928-1930 teacher firstgrade, Thornton School, Vigo county.Bolinger, Dorothy Jean, 2A, ha TerreTerre Haute, 1904 North 10th St.

    1928-1929 at home, not teaching.Bonifield, Leta, B. S., ha Danville

    la508 South 1st St., Knoxville, la.

    1916-1922 teacher grades, Marion county, la.

    1922-1924 teacher music, SergeantsBluff, la.

    1924-1926 teacher music.First Liberty, la.: 1926-1927 supervisor music, consolidated district, Aurora,Minn.

    1927-1928 teacher music. Central Normal College, Danville.Bosch, Marguerite, 2P, ha 516 Washington St. Henderson, Ky.

    pa Ladoga

    1928-1930 teacher in grades, Ladoga.Bossom, Ethel, B. S., ha Terre Haute,1633 South 3rd St.

    1928-1930 teacherof civics and vocational information,Sarah Scott Junior High School, TerreHaute: for complete information, seeclass 1905.Boston, Sarah, 2IG,&#x...

    teacherthree years in rural schools, one yearin sixth grade and one year in eighthgrade. before graduation

    1928-1929teacher of eighth grade, Coalmont.Bourne, Olive, 2P, ha Coatesville: paNorth Salem: 1929-1930 teacher grades,North Salem

    for complete record seeclass 1923.Bovenschen, Ruth H., 2IG, ha Linton:RFD 1 : taught in Greene county ruralschools one year

    teacher of third,fourth and fifth grades at Vicksburg,three years

    teacher in Greene county,Midland, one year before graduation

    1928-1929 at home, not teaching.Bowen, Donald Christopher, B. S.: haCarlisle

    pa Franklin

    1928-1930 teacher

    Indiana State University Archives
    No subjects listed

  • 188THE ALUMNI DIRECTORYAve., Terre Haute: pa same

    1917-1929teacher, grades, Fontanet.Hanna, Fred J., 2IG, ha Ottawa, 111.Harbison, Ruth, 2IG. ha Bedford

    pa1717 South H. St., Bedford

    1924-1929teacher, Bedford city schools, Bedford.Harr, Clyde, A. B., ha Brazil

    pa 2163Woodruff Ave., Toledo, Ohio

    1919-1920teacher, rural school, Center Point

    1920-1924 teacher, grades, mathematics andscience, Ashboro

    1924-1923 teacher,high school, Brazil

    1928-1929 teacher,mathematics, Toledo, Ohio.Hartsock, Nettie, 2IG, ha Larwill


    1924-1925 teacher, grades,Kimmell

    1925-1929 principal, grades,Kimmell.Harvey-Crowe, Mrs. Norma, 2IG, ha 310Harrison St., Garrett

    1923-1924 studentIndiana State Teachers College, TerreHaute

    1924-1928 teacher, commerce,Garrett

    married June 1928.Hayward, Mary V., B. S., ha RFD 2,Brazil

    1924-1925 teacher of home economics, Van Buren Township HighSchool

    1925-1928 dietitian, Indiana University hospitals.Hefferman-Winter, Mrs. Anna, A. B., ha1203 North 13th St., Terre Haute

    pa173 West Fairview Ave., Dayton, Ohio

    1924-1926 teacher, Montgomery

    1926-1929 married, not teaching, at homeDayton, Ohio.Haidecker,Pearl, 2P, ha Osgood

    pa Ft.Wayne

    1924-1929 teacher, city schools,Ft. Wayne.Hertenstein, Charles R., A. B., ha Versailles

    pa Clinton

    1929-1930 principalsenior high school Clinton

    for completerecord see class of 1908.Hester, Autumn A., 2M, ha Crawfordsville

    1924-1926 teacher, music, ort anddomestic science, Andrews

    1926-1927teacher, music and art, New Ross andMace

    attended Indiana State TeachersCollege, summer of 1925.Hetrick, Laura L., 2IG, ha Fortville

    pa525 West Washington, Ft. Wayne

    1918-1919 teacher, rural schools, Hancockcounty

    1919-1920 teacher, consolidatedschool, McCordsville

    1920-1923 teachergrades, Perry township, Morior.

    1924-1929 teacher,, James H. Smart School,Ft. Wayne.Hochstetler, W. G., B. S., ha Coal City

    pa Martinsville

    1924-1929 teacher, industrial arts, Martinsville.Hodge, Edith, 2IG, ha 1011 Second Ave.,Terre Haute

    pa same

    1924-1929 teacher, grades, Booker T. Washington School,Terre Haute.Hodson-Di ummond, Mrs. Ruby

    2P, paTangier

    1913-1915 teacher, ruralschools, Park county

    1915-1923 teacher,consolidated schools, Park county

    1925-1927 teacher, rural schools, Pontiac, 111.

    1927-1929 not teaching, homekeeper,married 1927.Holland, Carlyle, A. B., 919 South 17thSt., Terre Haute

    pa Clark University,Atlanta, Georgia

    1923-1926 teacher,Lincoln School, Terre Haute

    1926-1927student, University of Chicago ,M. S.1927-1929 teacher Clark University, Atlanta, Georgia.Holliday, Mary B., 2M, ha 442 Manchester Ave., Aurora...

    la same

    lr 1926supervisor of grade school music, Goshen.Holman, Mildred, A. B., ha 1332 FirstAve., Terre Haute

    pa 907 North 13thSt., Terre Haute

    1924-1926 teacher,Staunton: 1926-1929 teacher, commerceand French, Gerstmeyer High School,Terre Haute.Houff-Whitfleld, Mrs. Mary M., A. B.,ha 1437 North 9th...

    paJackson, Miss.

    1924-1927 commercialteacher, in high school, Vincennes

    1927-1929 married, at home, not teaching,Jackson, Miss.Howard, Anna S., 2IG, ha Terre Haute

    pa 2408 North 14th St., Terre Haute

    1924-1928 teacher in Rankin School,Vigo county

    A. B., Indiana State Teachers College, Terre Haute, 1929.Howard, Geneva, 2IG, ha 1862 SouthKeystone Ave., Indianapolis

    nr.Huey, Carrie, 2P, ha 818 West 6th St.,Connersville

    pa 712 East 13th Ave.,Gary

    1924-1929 teacher primary grades,Roosevelt School, Gary.Hull, King L., A. B., ha Holtoin

    taughttwo years in rural school and five yearsin high school before graduation

    1924-1928 attending school of medicine, Indiana University, M. D. June, 1929 afteryear of internship.Huntwork, Harry G., B. S., ha TerreHaute...

    pa 2427 South 6th St., TerreHaute: 1929 research department Commercial Solvents Corp., Terre Haute

    for complete record see class of 1915.Hurley, G. Lewis, 2IG, ha McCoysburg

    pa Williamsport

    1920-1921 teacher,grades, Kniman

    1921-1923 teacher,grades, South Barkley ConsolidatedSchools, Rensselaer

    1923-1925 teachergrades, and English, high school, Hanging Grove, Consolidated, McCoysburg

    1925-1926 teacher of grades, SouthBarkley Consolidated, Rensellaer

    1926-1927 student Indiana State Teachers College, Terre Haute

    1927-1929 teacher ofindustrial arts and science, Williamsport

    B. S. Indiana State Teachers College,Terre Haute, 1927.Huston, Edith Wood, 2P, ha 130 North22nd St., Terre Haute

    pa same

    1924-1929 teacher of primary grades, Sandi-son School, Terre Haute.Hylton, Edward F... A. B., ha 2537 North12th St., Terre Haute

    pa same

    1909-1912 teacher, mathematics, Wiley HighSchool, Terre Haute

    1912-1929 teachermathematics, Garfield High School, TerreHaute

    A. M., Indiana University, 1929.Hyman, Hugh H., A. B-, ha Galveston

    pa care of Union College, Schenectady,N. Y., 1915-1917 teacher rural schools,Jasper county

    1918-1919 United Statesarmy, A. E. F.,

    1919-1920 teacher,mathematics ond science, high school,Carrol county

    1920-1922 teacher, mathematics and science, high school, Flora

    1922-1925 teacher mathematics and science, high school, Rockville

    1925-1929fellow in physics, University of California

    1929-1930 physics department.Union College, Schenectady, N. Y., M.A. University of California, 1928, Ph.D. in 1929

    summer instructor IndianaState Teachers College, 1924, 1925, 1929.Isaacs, Huston, 2IA, ha 526 North Center St., Terre Haute

    pa 514 Locust St.,Terre Haute

    1924-1927 teacher, HighSchool, Connersville

    1927-1929 teacherindustrial arts, Warren ond DemingSchools, Terre Haute.Jackson, Geneva, 2P, ha 406 Elm St.,Clinton

    1924-1929 teacher, publicschools, 22, Indianapolis.

    Indiana State University Archives
    No subjects listed


    1927-1930 principal, high school,Shelbyville.Lover, Clarence, nr.McClanahan-Campbell, Mrs. Gladys, paPimento

    taught one year in countryschools, Vigo county

    two years in Pimento and three years in Farmersburgbefore graduation

    1915-1916 teacher ofgrades, Clinton

    1916-1917 teacher ofgrades, Muncie

    1917-1929 not teaching,homekeeper, married in 1917 to Ross G.Campbell.McClerney, Adelia, pa Evansville

    taughtprimary grades at Summitville beforegraduation

    1915-1917 teacher of primary grades, Evansville

    1917-1929 criticteacher, first grade, Evansville.•McCloud-Scott, Mrs. Pearl Ethel

    1915-1916 supply teacher, high school, Amo

    1916-1917 teacher, Mooresville

    1917-1922 teacher, high school, Martinsville

    1922-1927 married, at home, not teaching

    deceased 1927.McDonald, Louise, ha Indianapolis

    nr.McElroy, Lilia Ruth, ha Evansville

    1915-1920 teacher of grades, Evansville

    1920-1924 teacher of grades, Gary

    lr 1924.McFall-Small, Mrs. Rose, A. B., 141 y2Wabash Ave., Terre Haute

    for complete information, see class of 1912.McFarland, Claude O., A. B., ha Elon

    1915-1916 student, University of Chicago

    1916-1917 instructor in geologyand geography. University of Cincinnati

    summer of 1917 assistant in geographydepartment, Indiana State Teachers College, Terre Haute

    lr 1917.McKeever-Jensen, Mrs. Helen F., pa 2219Crawford St., Terre Haute: 1915-1919teacher of city schools, Terre Haute

    1919-1928 not teaching, homekeeper,married to Otto Jensen.McQuinn-Ward, Mrs. Lenore Babcock, A.B., ha Toledo, Ohio

    1915-1916 director,Sandusky County Normal School, Green-spring, Ohio

    1916-1917 teacher of algebra, Greenspring, Ohio

    1917-1918county normal director

    1918-1923 received A. M. and Ph. D., University ofMichigan

    assistant in zoology department^ University of Michigan

    1922married to Henry T. Ward

    lr 1923.Mackell, James F., A. B., pa RFD A,Terre Haute

    for complete informationsee class of 1912.*Madden, Mona G., ha Princeton

    1914-1915 teacher of grades, Clinton

    1915-1918 teacher of grades, Francisco

    1918-1923 teacher of grades, Princeton

    1923-1924 did not teach because of poorhealth

    deceased.Maehling, Hildegarde, pa 1357 3rd Ave.,Terre Haute

    1915-1916 teacher at McKeen School, Terre Haute

    1916-192 3teacher in grades, Terre Haute

    1923-1924 critic teacher, Voorhees School,Terre Haute: 1926-1930 teacher, McLeanJunior High School, Terre Haute.Medsker, Sylvia, pa E. Lansing, Michigan, B...

    1915-1918 elementarygrades, Sullivan county

    1918-1927 teacher of home economics, high school, Sullivan county

    1927-1929 teacher of homeeconomics, Michigan State College, East1 ansing, Michigan

    received A. M.,Teachers College, Columbia University.Melton, Charles E., pa Walnut, Illinois

    1915-1917 teacher in high school, EastChicago

    1917-1918 teacher in highschool, Ottawa, Illinois

    1919-1920 Culver Military Academy, Culver

    1920-1921 teacher in high school, LcMars,Iowa: 1921-1929 superintendent ofschools. Walnut, Illinois.Melton, Monroe, A. B., pa Normal. Illinois

    for complete information, see classof 1911.Mercker, A. M., A. B„ pa 720 S. 22ndSt., Quincy, Illinois

    1915-1918 supervisor of industrial arts, high school.Peru: 1918-1929 teacher of mechanicaldrawing, high school, Quincy, Illinois.Michael, Mr. Joy E., ha&#x...


    1915-1916 supervisor ofmanual training, Bremen

    1916-1924manual training, Huntington

    1927-1929teacher of industrial arts, Huntington.Miller, Carl N., pa 1920 S. Center St..Terre Haute

    1915-1916 teacher in highschool, East Chicago

    1916-1930 insurance business, S. C. Miller & Sons, sixmonths in army.Moery, Otto E., A. B., pa 1421 N. 7thSt., Terre Haute

    for complete information see class of 1908.Montgomery, John E., pa DeKalk, Illinois

    1911-1915 teacher in New Winchester, Hendricks county

    1915-1917teacher in Tobinsport

    1917-1919 teacherin Arcadia

    1919-1920 teacher in Burlington, Illinois

    1920-1929 teacher inDeKalb, Illinois, student, Chicago University 1919-1921 and 1923.Mooney-Foltz, Mrs. Alma, pa 306 N. 3rdSt., Clinton

    1913-1914 teacher of grades,Clinton township schools before graduation

    1915-1916 teacher of grades, Clinton

    1917-1922 at home, not teaching

    1922-1926 teacher of grades, FairviewPark School, Clinton

    1926-1927 principal of grades, Crompton Hill, Clinton

    1927-1928 principal of Fairview School,Clinton

    attended Indiana State TeachersCollege, spring terms of 1925-1927.Moran, Dorothy, pa Bedford

    tr 1914-1919 principal, department school, Bedford

    1919-1929 principal, junior highschool, Bedford.Morrill, Clinton, A. B., pa 45 N. RitterAve., Indianapolis

    practicing law in Indianapolis

    for complete information seeclass of 1910.Mullins, Virgil R., pa 2215 S. 7th St.,Terre Haute

    1910-1911 teacher of elementary grades, Swayzee

    1911-1912student, normal school, Marion

    1912-1914 teacher of mathematics, and English, high school, Swayzee

    1914-1925superintendent of schools, Summitville

    1925-1930 director of extension, placement and alumni secretary, Indiana StateTeachers College, Terre Haute

    graduatestudent, Columbia University, graduatestudent, Indiana University.♦Nesbit, Grace Lois, ha 1902 N. CrossSt.. Sullivan

    1915-1916 teacher of mathematics, high school, Nashville

    1916-1918 teacher of science, East Chicago

    deceased 1918.♦Nichols, George Otha, ha Morocco

    1915-1916 superintendent of schools, Otter-bein

    1916-1918 superintendent ofschools, Pittsboro

    1918-1919 superintendent of schools, Brownsburg

    1919-1921 superintendent of schools, Morocco

    1923-1924 principal, high school, NewAugusta

    1925-1926 principal, We3t Lebanon

    1927-1928 graduate student, Indiana University

    deceased 1928.Nickels, Willard E., pa Lawrenceburg:1915-1927 superintendent of schools, Fulton

    1927-1929 principal, Bright School,

    Indiana State University Archives
    No subjects listed

  • 198THE NORMAL ADVANCEa &ace »ttf) an Snbtan Moman(A TRUE STORY) By ORVA STINEThe west wind came a whispering, a whispering

whenever the blues or loneliness oertook one it
was there that refuge was sought. If the cup¬
boards needed replenishing the ...

    in the
summer their boating. Surrounded by beauti¬
ful trees and a river the place was ideal for
rest.Another feature was the out...

    Indiana State University Archives
    No subjects listed

  • Eleanor and Fred Griffin with their son, Patrick, dress in 1816 period clothing in celebration of Indianas Sesquicentennial in 1966. The family&#...

    Griffin Family Photos

  • 274THE ALUMNI DIRECTORYpa Churubusco

    1927-1928 teacher primary grades. Crown Center, Morgancounty

    1928-1929 teacher rural school,Ashland township, Morgan county

    1929-1930 teacher primary grades, Churubusco.White, Homer A., 2IG, pa Freedom

    1928-1980 teacher grades, five, six,Franklin township, Owen county.White, Nell G., 2IG, pa RFD 1, Paragon

    taught rural schools, Morgan county, two years

    consolidated schools, Morgan county, two years, before graduation

    1929-1930 teacher primary grades,Monrovia.White, Sarah C, 2IG, pa 1420 SouthSt., Lafoyette

    1918-1919 teacher grades,Mt. Tom

    1919-1920 teacher grades, Colfax

    1920-1921 teacher grades No. 10

    1921-1924 teacher grodes. Octagon

    1924-1925 teocher grades, No. 10

    1925-1926 teacher grades, Ouiatenan

    1926-1927 teacher grade five, Klondike

    1927-1930 teacher grades four, five, LongloisSchool, Lafayette.Wibbeler, Benjamin H., ha Holland

    poHannibal, Ohio

    1929-1930 entered ministry, Hannibal, Ohio

    for complete record see class of 1920.Wickwire, Gladys, 2P, pa 608 Main St.,Vincennes

    taught grades, De Sotocounty, Florida

    grades, Vincennes, before graduation: 1929-1930 teacher primary grades, Vincennes.Williams, Marcus, A. B., ha PrairieCreek

    pa Clinton

    1929-1930 teacherphysics biology, physiology, Clinton.Williams, Opal Irene, 2IG, pa 617 Mulberry St., Clinton

    taught fifth grade,University, three years, before graduation

    1929-1930 teacher grades, Crom-pton Hill, Vermillion county.Willis, Fred L., B. S., ha 1920 SouthSixth St., Terre Haute

    pa 159 SheetsSt., West Lafayette

    laborotory assistant,physiology, Indiana State Teachers College before graduotion

    1929-1930 assistant in bacteriology, Purdue University, West Lafayette, and working toward Masters degree.Williamson, Jessie Florence, 2P, haRemington

    pa East Chicago

    1929-1930teacher primary grades. East Chicago

    for complete record see class of 1923.Wilson, Doris, 2P, ha Box 17, RFD E,Terre Haute

    pa 115 West Pike St.,Goshen

    1929-1930 teacher first grade,Jefferson School, Goshen.Wilson, Irene O., 2P, ha Riley

    pa Center Point

    1929-1930 teacher primarygrades, Center Point.Windley, Ilona Anna, A. B., ha 2534North 13th St., Terre Haute

    pa Wood-burn

    taught in Darlington


    Newberry, before graduation

    1929-1930 teacher music, home economics, Woodburn.Winegar, Margery E., 2IG, pa Carlisle

    1925-1930 teacher grades, Carlisle.Winkles, Dole Mae, 2P, ha Sandborn

    pa 703 River Lane, Rockford, 111.

    1929-1930 teacher first grade, Loves ParkSchool, Rockford, 111.Wittenberg, W. Winifred, B. S.. pa 826Walnut St., Terre Haute

    1929-1930teacher commerce, Sarah Scott JuniorHigh School, Terre Haute.Wolf, Paul, B. S., pa 1631 South 9thSt., Terre Haute

    1928-1930 teacherphysical education, coaching, IndianaState Teachers College Training School,Terre Haute.Wolfe, Nellie Elizabeth, 2P, ha RFD 4,Carlisle

    pa Poxton

    1919-1922 teacherrural schools, Sullivan county

    1922-1923 teacher primary grodes, Paxton

    1927-1930 teacher primary grades, Paxton.Wolff, Freda Elizabeth, A. B., ha Vallonia

    pa Staunton

    1920-1921 teacherVallonia

    1921-1922 teacher Springvicw,Nebraska

    1922-1924 teacher, Thermop-olis, Wyo.

    1925-1927 teacher Vallonia

    1927-1930 teacher English, Latin, Staunton.Wolverton, Ralph, 2IG, pa RFD 2, TerreHaute

    taught grades, Maryland School,Honey Creek township, Vigo county, before graduation

    1929-1930 teachergrades, Honey Creek township, Vigocounty.Woodcox, W. Gray, B. S., pa Garrett

    1914-1917 teacher rural schools, DeKalbcounty

    1920-1921 teacher rural schools,Van Wert county, Ohio

    1921-1924 teacher grades and high school, Butler

    1924-1929 teacher manual training ingrades and high school, Garrett

    1929-1930 teacher monual training, junior andsenior high schools, athletics, Garrett.Woodward-Scott, Mrs. Mary K., 2P., haEvansville

    pa 421% South 16th St.,Terre Haute

    192G-1929 teacher grades,Newton

    September to December, 1929teacher grades, five, six, Grandview

    1930not teaching, homekeeper, married toFrank Scott Dec. 24, 1929.Wooiard, Claire H., B. S., ha RFD 3,Brazil

    pa Eowling Green

    1926-1930teacher music English, Washingtontownship High School, Bowling Green.Wooiard, Hilda, B. S., ha RFD 3, Brazil

    pa Clinton

    taught home economics,junior high school, Clinton, before graduation

    1929-1930 teacher home economics, junior high school, Clinton.Woolridge, Josephine Vietta, 2P, pa 1302West Sixth St., Bloomington

    1929-1930at home and not teaching.Wright, Dennis O., B. S., ha Cloverdale

    pa South Whitley

    taught rural schools,Putnam county, one year

    industrial arts,Bloomington. one year

    1921-1930 teacher industrial arts, mathematics, SouthWhitley.Wright, Mary Elizabeth, 21G, ha Edwardsport

    pa 210 West Ellsworth, Columbia City

    1929-1930 teacher grades,Whitley county.Wright, Nora R., B. S., ha RFD 6, Sullivan

    pa 632 Walnut St., Terre Haute

    1929-1930 city school nurse, TerreHaute

    for complete record see class of1914.Yager, Lucille Clarice, B.S., pa Advance

    taught grades three months, Advance,before graduation

    1929-1930 teachermusic, Jefferson township, consolidatedschool, Boone county.Yocum, Verine Celeste, 2P, ha 109 NorthMain St., Clay City

    pa Mishawaka

    taught grades, Clay City, three years,before graduation

    1929-1930 teacherfirst grade, Mishawaka.Young, Beatrice L., A. B., ha Riley


    1929-1930 teacher science ineighth grade, Clinton.

    Indiana State University Archives
    No subjects listed

  • Francis Sieg Smith exits her greenhouse carrying a basket of flowers. A retired music teacher, Smith, and her husband Jesse Smith, established&#x...

    People at Work

  • Helen Porter Griffin (1844-1940). Helen was the daughter of Judge William A. and Elizabeth McClelland Porter of Corydon, Indiana. With the&#...

    Griffin Family Photos

  • THE NORMAL ADVANCE85Springfield which is under the commission formof city government. Prof. Bogardus spoke inchapel Friday morning, Dec. 4, on The...

    lastyear he was township superintendent of theschools in Coal Creek township, MontgomeryCounty. This year he is superintendent of theDarlington, Indiana,&#...

    Indiana State University Archives
    No subjects listed

  • The August 2000 issue of the Rainbow Reader, published by the Up the Stairs Community Center in Fort Wayne, Indiana. The tagline of the...

    Northeast Indiana Diversity Library

  • The caption for this image, written in 1916 and provided by the Educator-Journal Company, follows: “2. Governor Jonathan Jennings, was the...

    Indiana Pioneer Pictures from The Educator-Journal Company

  • 130THE ALUMNI DIRECTORY1924-1929 teaching in the high school.Clay City.Collivei-Winkler, Mrs. Ruth, A. B., paVincennes

    1916-1918 teacher, domesticscience, Emison

    1918-1919 clerical workin Washington, D. C.

    married in 1919to Roscoe D. Winkler

    1919-1929 notteaching, homekeeper.Cooper, Mary Louise, ha 351 20th Ave.,pa Paw Paw, Michigan

    Columbus, Ohio

    1916-1917 teacher in city schools, Elkhart

    1917-1924 teacher in city schools,Zanesville, Ohio

    1924-1925 student,Columbia University, B. S.

    1925-1930supervisor, first grade, Paw Paw Training School, Paw Paw, Michigan.Corbin, Esther, ha 539 N. Center St.,Terre Haute

    nr.Corbin, Glen Emeline, ha 203 S. CourtSt., Sullivan

    1916-1922 teacher of elementary grades, Sullivan

    1922-1929teacher of elementary grades, Attica andCrawfordsville.Crawford, Minnie, A. B., pa St. LukesHospital, Cleveland, Ohio

    1915-1918teacher in district school

    1918-1920 student at Indiana State Teachers College,Terre Haute

    1920-1922 teacher of sciencein the high school, Ann Arbor, Michigan

    1922-1923 teacher of science, Alexandria,Louisiana

    1923-1925 teacher of science,Savannah, Illinois

    1925-1929 teacher ofscience and chemist, St. Lukes Hospital,Cleveland, Ohio.Crim, Casper R., A. B., pa Ft. Sill, Oklahoma

    1916-1917 teacher of mathematicsin the high school, Bluffton

    1917-1923army officer

    1923-1926 captain in thearmy, teaching military science andtactics in Connecticut AgriculturalSchool

    1927-1929 captain in UnitedStates Army, Ft. Sill, Oklahoma.Crist-Runyon, Mrs. Emmett, pa Shel-burn

    1912-1917 teacher in districtschools of Lewis township, Clay county

    1917-1918 teacher of domestic scienceand drawing in the Coalmont HighSchool

    1919-1929 married to RolandRunyon, not teaching, homekeeper.Criswell, Lawrence, ha 1421 Hurd St.,Fort Wayne

    1915-1918 teacher in grades,Fort Wayne

    1918-1919 in the army

    1919-1924 production clerk, Boswer &Company, Fort Wayne

    lr 1924.Crum, Earl M., pa 1460 S. 4th St., Louisville, Kentucky

    1913-1914 teacher ofbiology, Shawnee, Oklahoma

    1914-1915in business

    1915-1916 attended IndianaState Teachers College

    1916-1917 teacher of biology and mathematics. JunctionCity, Kansas

    1917-1918 in army atCamp Funston, Kansas

    1918-1919 principal, grade school, Jeffersonville

    1919-1929 head of department of biology,Louisville, Kentucky

    received A. B. fromIndiana University in 1913.Davis, Mary Elizabeth, A. B., 1014 N.7th St., Terre Haute

    nr.Dobbs, Raleigh R., ha Coatsville, RFD 2

    1915-1916 principal of high school fnPutnam county: lr 1916.Dolan, Josephine, ha 623 9th St., TerreHaute

    nr.Dome, Charles W., pa New Salisbury:1915-1916 principal, North Ward School,Crown Point

    1917-1919 war service

    1919-1920 principal of high school, Carlisle

    1920-1929 cashier, Jackson Township Bank, New Salisbury.Dowden, Isa Van, ha RFD 2, Box 262,Indianapolis

    1915-1919 teacher, publicschools, Mishawaka

    1919-1924 teacherin public schools, Gary

    nr since 1924.Drake-Mackell, Mrs. Doris, A. B., paRFD A, Terre Haute

    did not teach

    married to Professor J. F. Mackell in1916, homekeeper.Elliott, Mazie Jane, A. B., ha Connersville

    1916-1917 teacher of Latin, mathematics and science, Fountain City

    1917-1923 teacher of mathematics, English,history and science, Everton

    1923-1924teacher of mathematics, Carthage

    lr1924.Ellis, Bert E., la Bertram Hotel, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

    1916-1917 taughtin Central High School, Evansville

    1917-1921 graduated in medicine from IndianaUniversity, Bloomington

    1921-1924physician at Jasonville

    1927 physician,(otolorgnygology only), Philadelphia,Pennsylvania.Elmdorf, Lillian G., pa 804 2nd Ave.,Evansville

    1916-1926 teacher of grades,Evansville

    1925-1927 assistant secretary. Board of Religious Education,Evangelical Synod N. A.

    1927-1928 student, Boston University School of Religion, Taonwanda, New York

    B. R. E.from Boston University in 1928, A. M.,June, 1929.Enlow-Kreke, Mrs. Mary, pa Apt. 15,29 W. Daniels St., Cincinnati, Ohio

    1912-1916 teacher of grades, Youngstown

    1916-1927 teacher of grades. GreenwoodSchool, Terre Haute

    1927-1929 notteaching, homekeeper, 1929-1930 teacherof grades, 6th district school, 18th andHolman, Covington, Kentucky, B. S.,State Teachers College, Terre Hau...

    attended Cincinnati University,summer of 1929.Earnest, Mary R., ha 927 S. 4th St., TerreHaute

    1916-1917 teacher in primarygrades, Decatur, Illinois

    1917-1929teacher of biology in the senior highschool, Decatur, Illinois

    attended theUniversity of Chicago, summers of 1920,1921, and 1926.Fair, Leroy, A. B., ha RFD E, TerreHaute

    1910-1911 teacher of English inthe high school, Cory

    1911-1920 principal, Glenn High School, Terre Haute

    1920-1928 county superintendent ofschools, Vigo county, Terre Haute

    1929-1930 assistant superintendent of cityschools, Terre Haute

    graduate student,Columbia University.Farmer, Hallie, A. B., pa Montevallo,Alabama

    1916-1917 teacher in the highschools of Muncie, Crawfordsville andSpringfield, Illinois

    1921-1922 studentat the University of Wisconsin

    1922-1924 assistant professor of history, BallTeachers College

    1924-1926 associateprofessor of history. Ball Teachers College: 1926-1929 professor of history, Alabama State College, for women, Montevallo, Alabama...

    received M. A. from theUniversity of Wisconsin in 1922 and Ph.D. from University of Wisconsin in 1927.Farthing, Birney D., pa Rushville...

    1915-1916 principal, Richmond Township HighSchool, Rush county

    1916-1917 principal,Union Township High School, GingsStation, Rush county

    1917-1924 principal of high school, Rushville

    1924-1929 county superintendent of schools.Rush county, Rushville

    1929-1930 principal Fairview Schools, Fayette county.Feagan, Hazel, ha 303 Southeast 7th St.,Washington

    1916-1918 teacher in junior

    Indiana State University Archives
    No subjects listed

  • THE ALUMNI DIRECTORY19Young University, Provo, Utah

    nowworking on Masters degree, State University of Utah.Sparks, G. R., nr.Taylor-King, Mrs. Myrtle, pa 387 East6th St., Brooklyn, N. Y.

    taught oneyear before graduation in Princeton

    1894-1896 teacher of grades, Decorah,Iowa

    1896-1929 not teaching, home-keeper.Torr-Tompkins, Mrs. Clara, nr.•Troth, Will V., ha West Baden

    taughtcountry schools three years before graduation

    1892-1894 superintendent ofschools, Wheatland

    1894-1895 superintendent of schools, Bicknell

    1894-1895attending Illinois University

    1895-1896tiaveled in the West

    1896-1910 druggist, Orleans

    1910-1925 owner of hotel.West Baden: died Oct. 29, 1926.Voris, J. H., pa Marengo

    1892-1894principal at Poseyville

    1894-1896 student, Indiana University, A. B. degree

    1896-1903 teacher of science in highschool, Huntington

    1903-1905 teacherof biology, high school, Evansville

    1905-1907 principal of high school, Rochester

    1907-1921 superintendent of schools,I Rockwell, Iowa

    1921-1924 salesman

    1924-1930 superintendent of schools,Marengo.Waldrow-Davis, Mrs. Lessa, nr.Walker, Laura Jean, ha Rosedale, RFD2: nr.Walkup, Mary Elizabeth, pa 2052 Central ...

    taught five yearsin rural schools before graduation

    1892-1893 ward principal, Elwood

    1893-1894teacher in high school, Elwood

    1894-1895 attending Indiana University

    1895-1903 teacher of English, high school,Crawfordsville

    1903-1910 teacher ofEnglish, Latin and botany, high school.New Ross

    1910-1916 principal of highschool. New Ross

    1916-1918 teacher ofLatin and history, high school, Darlington

    1918-1920 teacher of English andscience, high school. New Market

    1920-1929 instructor in methods and psychology, Teachers College of Indianapolis

    A. M. degree, Indiana University,1903.Wallace-Allen, Mrs. Mary, la Urumia,Persia

    1892-1893 grade teacher atHuntington

    1893-1894 supervisor ofmusic and physical education, Huntington

    1894-1897 superintendentof Armenian Girls School, Tabriz, Persia

    1897 returned to America, taughtat Huntington

    1898 married and went toPacific Coast, first to Portland, Ore.,and then Tillamook

    1899-1900 superintendent of school, Tillamook, Ore.

    1900-1902 district school at San Anselmo.Calif.

    1902-1905 duties as wife andmother, also had normal classes andclasses in Y. W. C. A. in Portland andin Irrigan, Ore.

    1906 taught summerschool at Stevenson, on Columbia River,below the Cascades

    1907 returned toHuntington for extended visit and actedas supply until late fall

    1908 moved toSouth Chicago with family, not engagedin any active school work

    1911 removedwith family to Urumia, Persia

    had nodirect school work, except school eachmorning for own children and this year(1916) a class in history of educationwith the seniors...

    noreport since 1916.•Wark, Nathan G., ha Spencer

    1892-1893 principal of schools, Monroe City

    1893-1895 superintendent of schools,Kansas, 111.

    1895-1897 superintendent ofschools, Watertown, S. D.

    1897-1916 inreal estate and insurance business,Spencer

    deceased Aug. 14, 1921.Wheeler, Lewis Elmer, nr.•Whigam, William M., la 2025 LeclaireAve. Chicago, 111.

    1892-1893 taughtschool half day

    1893-1903 teacher inChicago elementary schools

    1903-1916teacher of physiography, Crane HighSchool

    deceased.CLASS OF 1893Benham, John S, pa Batesville

    1893-1900 superintendent schools, BateBVille

    1900-1903 student, Indiana Universityand University of Chicago, A. B. and M.S degrees

    1903-1907 county superintendent Ripley county

    1907-1919 in business

    1924-1929 county superintendentRiplev county, served as congressman1919-1923.Beroth, Olive, taught in the Indianapolis schools at one time, also in Anderson...

    graduated from Indiana Universityin 1897

    lr married and living in Utah.Bowden, W. J., pa Cambridge City

    elected principal of high school, Center-ville. in 1893

    1894-1896 assistant principal of high school, Salem

    1896-1899principal at Metamora

    1899-1901 superintendent at Brownsburg

    1901-1904principal at Hagerstown

    1904-1929teaching mathematics, Cambridge City.Bowman, Orange H. pa Pierceton

    1893-1899 superintendent of schools Mentone

    1899-1904 superintendent of schools.South Whitley

    1904-1905 insurancebusiness

    1905-1929 dairy farmer nearPierceton

    attended Tri-State College,Angola, 1890-1891

    attended DePauwUniversity, 1891-1892.Bufink-Chamberlain, Mrs, Mary, haRome City

    nr.Burke, Flora, nr.Caroon, W. E., pa Santa Fe, N. M.

    taught several years in Indiana, nineyears as ward principal at Crawfordsville

    principal two years at Neponset,111.

    1910-1913 principal of the highschool, Roswell, N. M.

    1913-1916 superintendent at Clovis, N. M.

    1916 chiefclerk in department of education, SantaFe

    1917-1929 deputy state treasurer,Santa Fe, N. M.Carter-Mauntel, Mrs. Bertha pa Alva,Ok la.

    married C. H. Mauntel, attorney,not teaching, homekeeper.Coffman, Henry N., pa Cloverdale

    taughtfive years before graduation

    1893-1896 student at Indiana University

    1896-1905 superintendent of schools,Middletown

    1905-1929 farming

    A. B.Indiana University 1895

    A. M. in 1896.Coltrin, Mary, pa RFD D Terre Haute

    1893-1912 teacher at Huntington:1916-1916 teacher in Indian school,Promise, S. D.

    1916-1917 teacher atTrail City, S. D.

    1922-1925 teacher inVigo county

    1927-1929 at home, notteaching.Coltrin-Keep, Mrs. Nina, nr.Davis, Elmer E., ha Dana

    deceased,March, 1919.Delay, Etta Hamilton, ha Howe

    1900-1907 principal of high school, La-Grange

    1910-1915 principal of high

    Indiana State University Archives
    No subjects listed

  • The July 2001 issue of the Rainbow Reader, published by the Up the Stairs Community Center in Fort Wayne, Indiana. The tagline of the&#...

    Northeast Indiana Diversity Library

  • THE ALUMNI DIRECTORY2671930 teocher commerce, athletics, Carlisle.Mayrose, Cora V., pa 2531 North 12thSt., Terre Haute

    1929-1930 teacher second grade, Lange School, Terre Haute

    for complete record see class of 1923.Mayrose, Margaret I. B. S., ha 2531North 12th St., Terre Houte

    pa Worthington

    taught high school, Worthington,before graduation

    1929-1930 teachercommerce, Worthington.Meier, Olivia C, B. S., ha Mackey


    1929-1930 teacher homeeconomics, biology, geography, Bloomingdale

    for complete record see classof 1927.Melton, Saverne, 2P, pa 215 North4th St., Vincennes

    taught grades, Bicknell, five years

    grades, consolidatedschool, District 1, Bicknell, one year,before graduation

    1929-1930 teacherfourth grade, Vincennes.Mendenhall, Grace J., 2P, ha Marshall

    pa Bellmore

    1929-1930 teacher primarygrades, Hollandsburg School, Bellmore.Meredith, Catherine E„ A. B., pa 810Walnut St., Terre Haute

    1929-1930 athome and not teaching.Meszar. Helen Yvonne, 2IG, pa 4825Melville Ave., East Chicago

    1929-1930teacher primary grades, East Chicago.Meyer, Herbert G., 2IG, ha Center Point

    pa Petersburg

    taught grades. SugarRidge township, Clay county, threeyears

    1927-1930 teacher departmentalwork, Petersburg.Miller, Bernice B., B. S., ha Hall


    taught Monrovia, two years,before graduation

    1929-1930 teachercommerce, Brookston.Miller-Gilkey, Mrs. Clara Emma, 2IG,pa RFD 4, Crawfordsville

    taught elementary grades, Alamo, four years, before graduation

    1929-1930 not teaching,homekeeper, married M. Gilkey.Miller, Elizabeth Lucille, B. S., pa 62 ISouth 7th St., Terre Haute

    1929-1930teacher private piano lessons, TerreHaute.Miller, Glenn M., B. S., ha Pilot Knob

    pa Twelve Mile

    1929-1930 teacher science, mathematics. Twelve Mile.Miller, Lucy Mae, 2P, ha RFD 2, Bicknell

    pa Residence Hall, Indiana StateTeachers College, Terre Haute

    1929-1930 student Indiana State TeachersCollege, Terre Haute.Miller, Mabel L., 2P, pa Linden

    1925-1930 teacher third grade, Linden.Miller, Paul R., B. S., ha Rockport

    paWest Lafayette

    1925-1926 teacher science, Bumitt College, Spencer, Tenn.

    1926-1928 teacher science, Gillett HighSchool, Gillett, Ark.

    1928-1929 student,Indiana State Teachers College, TerreHaute

    1929-1930 botany assistant, Purdue University, West Lafayette, andworking toward Masters degree.Mills, Irene, 2IG, ha Mecca

    pa Mansfield

    1929-1930 teacher primary grades,Mansfield.Modesitt, Grace Louise, 2IG, pa RFD 2,Brazil

    1927-1930 teacher primary gradesPosey township, Staunton.Moore, Bernice, 2IG, pa RFD 5, Box 90,Terre Haute

    1928-1930 teacher grades,Glenn School, Lost Creek township, Vigo county.Moore, Louise Henriette, R. S., pa 1S11Alvord St., Indianapolis

    1929-1930 athome and not teaching.Moore, Thurman A., 2R, ha Fredricks-burg: pa Dugger

    taught grades, Harrison county, one year, before graduation

    1929-1930 teacher rural grades,Cass township, Sullivan county.Morgan, Martha Louise, 2P, ha 1746Madison St., Gary

    pa Terre Haute

    1929-1930 student, Indiana State Teachers College, Terre Haute.Murray, Mary Virginia, 2P, pa 689 EastVincennes St., Linton

    1929-1930 teacher second grade, Northwest Ward Linton.Myatte, Matilda, 2IG, pa RFD C, Box35, Terre Haute

    1929-1930 at home andnot teaching.Myers, Grace, 2R, pa Linnsburg

    taughtrural schools, Jefferson township, Boonecounty, four years, before graduation

    1929-1930 teacher second grade, Boonecounty.Nantz, Isadora Mae, B. S., ha 2401North 12th St., Terre Haute

    pa same

    1929-1930 teacher history, geography,King Classical School, Terre Haute.Neal, Ethel Mary, B. S., ha 309 EastWashington St., Lebanon

    pa Milroy

    taught music, supply, Gary

    assistant inmusic department, Indiana State Teachers College, Terre Haute

    1929-1930teacher music, English, Milroy.Neal, Louise, 2IG, ha Jasonville


    taught grades, Lewis township. Clay county, five years, beforegraduation

    1929-1930 teacher seventhgrade, Coalmont.Needham, Jessie Mae, 2P, pa 1108 North4th St., Terre Haute

    1929-1930 at homeand not teaching.Needier, Clarence A., B. S., pa 620Gernhort Ave., Mishawaka

    taught wood-shop, history, Eaton, two years

    generalshop, machine shop, Mishawaka, fiveyears, before graduation

    1929-1930teacher industrial arts, Mishawaka.Nesler, Millage E., B. S., ha RFD 2,Terre Haute

    pa Blackhawk

    taughtgrades, Linton township, Vigo countyone year

    sixth grade, Pimento, fouryears, before graduattion

    1920-1930teacher English, history, coaching,Blackhawk.Neunfeldt, Loretta, 2P, pa 616 VermontSt., Gary

    1922-1923 teacher RidgeRoad School

    1923-1924 teacher Win-field School

    1924-1926 teacher CrownPoint

    1926-1930 teacher primary grades,Hasford Park School, Gary.Newhouse, Ruby M., B. S., ha 5212 EastWashington, Indianapolis

    pa Guymon,Okla.

    taught in Mishawaka. Benton-ville, Rock Falls, Illinois, and Guymon,Oklahoma, before graduation

    1929-1930teacher commerce, Guymon, Okla.Newton, Malinda K., 2IG ha RFD A,Rosedale

    pa Idaville

    1926-1928 teacherprimary grades, Lyford School, Floridatownship, Parke county

    1929-1930 teacher grades, Idaville.Nichols, Ruby, 2P, ha Lowell: pa EastChicago

    taught rurol school, CedarCreek township, two years

    grades, Shelby Schools three years

    1926-1930 teacher first grade, East Chicago.Nicholson, Florence C, 2IG. pa RFD A.Box 368 West Terre Haute: taught ruralschool, Sugar Creek townsh...

    1926-1930 teacher fifth grade. SugarCreek township, Vigo county.Nicholson, Guy E., B. S., pa Worthington

    taught rural school, Elmore township, four years grades, Elnora, three

    Indiana State University Archives
    No subjects listed

  • The caption for this image, written in 1916 and provided by the Educator-Journal Company, follows:“9. Edward Eggleston, who gave the world...

    Indiana Pioneer Pictures from The Educator-Journal Company

  • The caption for this image, written in 1916 and provided by the Educator-Journal Company, follows:“14. This Pioneer Fortress was located a...

    Indiana Pioneer Pictures from The Educator-Journal Company

  • The February 2000 issue of the Rainbow Reader, published by the Up the Stairs Community Center in Fort Wayne, Indiana. The tagline of t...

    Northeast Indiana Diversity Library

  • Dr. William E. Amy examines Richard Allen Ott of Depauw, Indiana, prior to Otts enlistment in the Army. Dr. Amy was a practicing physic...

    Health Care in Harrison County