THE ALUMNI DIRECTORY31then graduated from Library School atUrbana, 111.
librarian at Whiting
deceased several years ago.Scudder, Benjamin, pa Oxford, O.
taughtin country school two years and principalof a high school four years before graduation
1896-1913 superintendent ofschools, Arizona
1913-1916 teacher inState Normal, Arizona
1916-1929 professor of education, Miami University
A. B. University of Illinois 1900
Ph. M.University of Chicago 1901.Shelburn, Samuel R., nr.Slaughter, L. May, nr.Smith, Lillian C, la 408 South CenterSt., Terre Haute
lr 1896, primary teacher in schools of Terre Haute.Smith, Mary E., la Shiprock, N. M.
1896-1898 primary teacher, Elwood
1898-1900 primary teacher, Waveland
1900-1902 primary teacher, Livingston
1902-1914 primary teacher, Spokane,Wash.
lr 1915 head teacher San JuanIndian School, Shiprock, N. M.Smith, William Z., la 1916 Weatherford,Okla.
lr 1916 professor of psychologyand pedagogy and directing TrainingSchool, South Western Normal School,Weatherford, Okla.Stark, Frances A., nr.Stevenson, George ...
1892-1894teacher in rural schools, Vermillioncounty
1894-1895 teacher in grades,Clinton
1895-1904 teacher in grades,Huntington
1904-1925 teacher ingrades, Oak Park, 111.
1926-1929 teacher of history and English, junior highschool. Oak Park, 111.
attended IndianaUniversity spring term 1896
1912-1913Saturday classes at Columbia School ofExpression, Chicago, 111.
1906 Saturdayclasses in public school drawing. ArtInstitute, Chicago, 111.Taggert, Jennie, la Lagrange
1880-1894teacher in Lagrange, GoBhen City andBronson, Mich.
1894-1896 student, Indiana State Teachers College
1896-1897teacher grades, Rockport
1897-1898 notteaching
at home
1898-1899 teacher inLagrange county district school
1899-1902 teacher of grades, Elwood
1902-1917 teacher in grades, Marion
1917-1928 retired
not teaching.Talkington, C. E., pa Columbus
1896-1897 teacher of mathematics high school,Columbus
1897-1899 principal schools,Hope
1899-1901 principal high school,Rock Creek
1901-1914 county superintendent of Bartholomew county
1914-1920 manager State Penal Farm, Putnam county
1920-1929 teacher of mathematics, high school, Columbus.Timmons, William M., nr.Walker, Frances M., pa Tuscon, Ariz.
1896-1897 principal township highschool, Paxton
1897-1900 principal highschool, Sullivan
1901-1906 superintendent city schools, Tuscon, Ariz.
1907-1916 accountant for railroads and banksin California and Arizona
1916-1917accountant, University of Arizona, Tuscon, Ariz.
1917-1929 bursar. Universityof Arizona, Tucson, Ariz.Ward, Rose, la 1331 Castro St., Oakland, Cal.
1897-1903 primary teacher,Marion
1903-1905 teacher fifth grade,Huntington
1905-1911 teacher secondgrade, Terre Haute
lr 1912 teacher ofgrades, Oakland, Calif.Wagner, J. Howard, pa 6825 12th Ave.,N. E. Seattle, Wash.
1896-1897 principalhigh school, Clinton
1897-1900 principalhigh Bchool, North Manchester
1900-1904 principal high school, Alexandria
1904-1906 cashier Savings Loan andTrust Company
1906-1909 managingeditor, The Daily Courier
1909-1912superintendent city schools. Las Cruces,N. M.
1912-1916 superintendent cityschools, Santa Fe, N. M.
spent summersof several years at Ann Arbor, MichiganUniversity
1916-1920 state superintendent public instruction, Santa Fe
1920-1921 superintendent schools, Pueblo,Colo.
1921-1923 president New MexicoNormal University, East Las Vegas, N.M.
1923-1929, chief of Alaska Division,Bureau of Education, department of interior, Seattle, Wash.Ward, Sylvester, nr.Weesner, Margaret, la Darlington
1896-1898 teacher of grades, Elwood
1898-1900 teacher of grades, Waveland
1901-1904 teacher in high school, Darlington
1904-1906 student, Indiana University
received A. B. degree in 1906
190G-1908 principal high school, Darlington
1908-1912 principal high school, Win-gate
1912-1913 teacher of English, highschool, Westfield
1913-1916 principalhigh school, Westfield
1916-1925 teacher of English and assistant principal,Darlington
1925-1928 superintendentschools, Darlington
attended IndianaUniversity spring 1901 and summer1902.Welch, Jesse, pa 724 Vincent St., Re-dondo Beach, Calif.
1896-1924 taughtin various places
1924-1929 retired
residing at Redondo Beach, Calif.
Wei ton-Becker, Mrs. Maude, pa 414Broadway, Vincennes
1897-1910 teacher in schools, Vincennes
1910-1929 married to Dr. N. E. Becker of Vincennes
homekeeper.Wertinger, Minnie M., nr.Whitcomb, Mary M., pa 859 BlackmanSt., Clinton
did not teach school: looking after business interests
lr 1929.Wilson, Guy Mitchell, pa 30 Pine St.,Wellesley Hills, Mass.
1896-1897 department of history, high school, Alexandria
1897-1899 student, University ofIllinois and Indiana University
1899-1900 superintendent schools, Chalmers:1900-1903 superintendent schools, NorthSalem
1908-1908 county superintendent Hendricks county
1908-1912 superintendent schools, Connersville
1912-1913 graduate student, Columbia University
1913-1922 professor agriculturaleducation and director of summer session Iowa State College, Ames, Iowa
1922-1929 professor education, BostonUniversity, Boston, Mass.
attendedUniversity of Illinois 1897-1898
IndianaUniversity, A. B. degree 1900
attendedIndiana University summer 1908
received M. A. degree
attended ColumbiaUniversity summers 1909-1910, the yearof 1912-1913 one-half year
receivedPh. D. degree 1918.CLASS OF 1897Alexander, Bona P., la 1928, Box 28,RFD 1 Klamath Falls, Ore.
1897-1898taught in schools, Lewis
1898-1899taught in schools, Prairie Creek