THE NORMAL ADVANCE15sink to the bottom: bodies of water would,therefore freeze from the bottom upward: inhot weather only a thin skim o...
thus, lakes, rivers and oceanswould become forever solid, and life on ourearth would become extinct.We now turn our attention to the expansionof&...
.the wateris heated and expands into vapor
the air overthe water is heated
it expands
it rises, carrying the vapor with it
currents of air—thewinds—result: the vapor of water is carriedhigh over the thirsting continent
it comes incontact with a stratum of cold air
the warmair is cooled
it contracts
clouds are formed
it rains upon the earth
plants and animalsdrink, and life is sustained.Think of our globe without land, withoutwind, without clouds, without rain, withoutlife! But for t...
but a wise beneficient Intelligence, whoholds us,—earth and all, in the hollow of Hishand.Season of mist and mellow fruitfullness!Close bosom-f...
Conspiring with him how to load and blessWith fruit the vines that round the thatch-eaves run
To bend with apples, the mossd cottage trees,And fill all fruit with ripeness to the core.—Keats.