THE NORMAL ADVANCE249stomachs of great numbers of toads taken atdifferent times during the spring and summerand from many different localities.From th...
to this list must be added 1,800 myriopods,2,160 sowbugs, 3,240 ants, 360 weevils, and hundreds, or even thousands, of injurious beetles,plant li...
then many of the youngtoads will establish themselves in the locality.Late in July, after the young toads have leftthe water, the pool shoul...
but care should be taken not to put in morethan the tadpoles will eat, or the water will become fouled. Such an aquarium will be...
obrcobl biefe gemittlicfje, alte ®ame ein ©roJ3mut=terpen roar, Ijatte fie trjre @nfel in Stmerifa nod) nie ge=fefjen, ba ibre...
Slmerifa %u reifen,nm ibre Steben roenigftenS einmal gu feben, ebe ifjr bergarte £eben§faben bredjen roiirbe. 3ur grofsen §reubetljrer Hinbe...