X. S3. 3ST. S3.JAMES HARVEY BAXTER.Professor Baxter entered High School, Hillsdale, Michigan, in the fall of 1889. Taught countryschools near Camden,&...
also from the college course in 1908, receiving the degree of A. B. He attended Indiana University three years, where he received the d...
summer session 1912
Ph. D.Columbia 1913. Major subject, zoology
minor subjects, zoology and bacteriology. Investigator MarineBiological Station, Woods Hole, Mass., summer of 1913.Mr. Hyde taught in the district schools&...
Principal of Hoosierville,Indiana, schools 1903-1904
Laboratory Assistant in Zoology and Botany, Indiana State Normal School,1904-1906
Assistant in Embryology, Indiana University, 1907-1908
Instructor in Zoology, Indiana University Biological Station, Winona Lake, Indiana, summer of 1908
Instructor in Mathematics, IndianaState Normal School, spring quarters, 1907 and 1908
Assistant Professor of Physiology, Zoology andBotany, Indiana State Normal School since 1909.Mr. Hyde was elected to membership Sigma Xi, Indiana, 190...
Indiana Academy of Science, 1909
American Association for the Advancement of Science, 1909
Columbia University Biochemical Association, 1913. Recipient of the Dyckman Fund, Columbia University, 1912-13.