THE ALUMNI DIRECTORY51science, high school, Goodland
1906-1907 received A. M. Indiana University
1907-1908 teacher of Latin, high school,Hartford City
deceased Feb. 18, 1914.Goble, W. C, pa Nashville
1902-1903superintendent schools. Point Isabel
1903-1904 superintendent schools, Gretn-field
1904-1905 President Board ofChildrens Guardians, Hancock county
1905-1916 superintendent schools, Nashville
1916-1920 superintendent schools,Hope
1920-1924 superintendent schoolsSwayzee, 1924-1927 superintendentschools, Converse
1927-1930 superintendent schools, Nashville.Goen, Leonidas, la Bishop, Calif.
pa An-berry, Calif.
teacher in public schools,Jackson county for nine years beforegraduation
1901-1903 superintendentschools, Crothersville
1908-1904 principal school, Hope
1904-1929 U. S. IndianService
1904 in the department of education, elementary subjects
graduate,University of California, Berkeley, Calif.
attended Fresno State College, Fresno,Calif., 1927.Golder-Osborne, Mrs. Goldie, deceasedAug. 8, 1908
nr.Gray, Clarence T., la 1916 Gosport
1904received A. B., Indiana University
1904-1906 principal high school, Spencer
1906-1910 superintendent schools, Spencer
1911 received A. M., University ofChicago
1911-1915 instructor in education, University of Texas
1915-1916instructor, University of Chicago
lr1916.Haines, Ora E., pa 2312 Woodbridge St.,N. E. Wash., D. C, lr U. S. Patent Office, assistant principal examiner, Washington, D. C.Hall,...
taught three and one-half years in country schools of Elkhart county and Cass county, Michiganbefore graduation
1902-1903 teacher inhigh school, Columbia City
1903-1904teacher in high school, Salem
1904-1906 superintendent schools, Churubusco
1900-1907 received A. B. Indiana University
1907-1908 graduate student andteaching fellow
received A. M. 190S
1908-1916 teacher chemistry. Joliettownship high school
1916-1929 teacher chemistry and physics, Morgan ParkHigh School, Chicago, 111.
received A.B. degree, Indiana University 1906 andA. M. degree 1907.Henry, Alfred, Dr., pa 4949 North IllinoisSt., Indianapolis
1907 graduated fromIndiana Medical College
1909-1910 spentat Indianapolis City Hospital: 1910-1930practicing physician .Indianapolis
specialized in tuberculosis
did post-graduateNew York City
Chicago, Philadelphia,Rochester, St. Louis, New Orleans andDetroit
member faculty, Indiana University School of Medicine
IndianaDental College
Normal College N. A.G. U.
president, IndianapoliB Anti-Tuberculosis Society
vice-president IndianaState Anti-Tuberculosis Society.Hensel-Arnett, Mrs. Elizabeth, pa Vancouver, B. C.J nr.Hogue, Rolla Martin, la 1928 Sumner,111.
1903-1906 teacher in high school,Freeland ville: 1905-1908 principal andsuperintendent high school, Sandborn
1908-1909 principal high school, Edwardsport
1909-1910 . student, IndianaUniversity
1910-1920 teacher of history and mathematics, high school, Vincennes
1920-1921 principal Selvin
1921-1922 principal Decker Chapel
1922-1924 principal Emison
1924-1928superintendent, Sumner, 111.Hoskinson, Ottis, pa 627 Jackson St.,Danville, 111.
1902-1905 superintendentschools. Argos
taught Latin
190571906superintendent schools, Bremen
1906-1907 superintendent schools, Lapel
1907-1910 superintendent and teacher o:Latin and physics, Carthage
1910-1912director teacher training, Union Christian College, history, education, methods,history of philosophy
1912-1913 superintendent schools, Hutsonville, 111.
1918-1916 superintendent schools, and teacher of mathematics, Stockland, 111.
1916-1922 superintendent schools, Wellington,111.
1922-1923 superintendent schools,Paxton, 111.
1923-1929 medical booksalesman F. A. Davis Co.
attended Illinois University summers of 1912-1913-1914-1915
received A. M. in education1916.Ives-Headlee, Mrs. Blanche, pa NewBrunswick, N. J. Park Avenue, HighlandPark
graduated from Indiana Universityin 1903 A. B. degree
married ThomasJ. Headlee in 1903
1903-1929 notteaching, homekeeper.Jerman-Rainey, Mrs. Mary Myrtle, laJolietville
1902-1903 assistant principalschool, Crothersville
1903-1904 principal school, Adams: 1904-1907 principalschool, Alert
1907-1908 principal school,Adams
1908 married to Dr. E. A.Rainey of Jolietville
1908-1916 home-keeper
lr 1916.Johnson, Eva Mrs., nr.Katt, August, pa 301 East WoodlandAve., Fort Wayne
1902-1904 principalgrade school, Cleveland, O.
1904-1918principal grade school, Pittsburgh, Pa.
1913-1917 principal grade school
1917-1918 office S. F. BowserPump & Tank Co., Fort Wayne
1918-1923 office Wayne Paper Goods Company, Fort Wayne
1923-1930 salesman
Wayne Paper Company, Fort Wayne
attended Concordia College, Fort Wayne1890-1893
Terre Haute Commercial College 1894-1895
Addison Seminary, Addison, 111. 1896-1899
Teachers CollegeRiver Forest, Illinois.Keicher, Benton G., pa 636 West 31stSt., Indianapolis
taught seven years,rural schools, Madison county, and fouryears departmental work, Anderson before graduation: 1902-1906 principal,Tuttle school, Crawfordsville...
1906-1910superintendent schools, Fortville
1910-1912 student, Wabash College A. B.
1912-1913 superintendent schools, Linden
1913-1915 superintendent schools,Alexandria
1915-1930 cashier, Wm. H.Block department store. Indianapolis.Kemp, Joseph Allen, pa Winamac
1902-1903 superintendent, Goldsmith
1908-1904 ward principal, Alexandria
1904-1905 graduated from Indiana University
1905-1906 graduate student, WisconsinUniversity: 1907 superintendent NorthDakota State School of Forestry
1911married Lottie Ann McArthur of Bottineau, N. D.
engaged in real-estate business: 1916 receiver of Barnesville National Bank, Barnesville, Minn.
1926-1929 county superintendent schools Pulaski county, summers of 1926 and 1927studied in Wisconsin University, M., sociology.