156THE NORMAL ADVANCEITERARTHE NEW SYSTEM/\ NE of the most unique and successful af-^-^ fairs of the year was given Friday, Februa...
Xelsonia Perry Chester (June Manor), a gayand debonair captain of the navy
XapoleonetteHannibal Hightower (Ruth Willcutts), a dashing young army officer
Tulania Pasteur Darwin Mortimer (Reina Kiefer), a learned university president
Mr. Moffatt (Mary Sheets),a henpecked husband
Mr. Darlington (CledaEckart), the cook and a former lover of Captain Chester
Mr.Bosworth (Margaret Underwood), the housemaid, or rather the houseman
Mr. Petridge (Matilda Reifel), the launderer,in love with the professor. The stage presentedthe comfortable and attractive living room inthe home...