86THE ALUMNI DIRECTORY♦Sammis-Stevens, Mrs. Louise M., A. B.,deceased in 1917.Schoepper, F. Otto, pa 2504 Miami St.,South Bend
1909-1912 supt., RiverPark
1912-1929 supervising prin., SouthBend
student, Indiana university, summer terms 1910-1913
student. Universityof Chicago, summer term 1914
graduated from University of Chicago in 1916.Schorling, Raleigh, pa Ann Arbor, Mich.,403 Lenowee Drive
1909-1911 student,University of Michigan, summer school
graduate student at Wisconsin, Indianaand Chicago
1911-1912 instructor, mathematics, Shortridge high school, Indianapolis
1912-1916 instructor, mathematics, University High School, Chicago,111.
1927-1929 professor of mathematics.University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich.♦Scranage, Mattie, ha Goshen
1909-1912teacher of grades, Elkhart
deceased,August 15, 1912.Shockel, Bernard, pa 411 Osborn St.,Terre Haute
teacher in rural school
asst. in geography, Indiana State Teachers College, Terre Haute
fellow andteacher, University of Chicago, Illinoisgeological survey
teacher of geography,Illinois State Normal
professor ofgeography and geology Indiana StateTeachers College, visual education, Indiana State Teachers College, TerreHaute
received B. S. and M. S. University of Chicago, three years graduatework, University of Chicago, U. S. meter-ological school, Langres, France...
SigmaXi, University of Chicago.Shortridge-Edmonds, Mrs. Hazel, pa 614Chestnut St., Terre Haute
1909-1911teacher high school, Jasonville
1911-1912 teacher of grades, Muncie
1912-1913 teacher grades, Clinton
1913-1918 teacher of mathematics, high school,West Terre Haute
1918-1920 not teaching
1920-1926 teacher of mathematics,McLean junior high school, Terre Haute
married William B. Edmonds in 1926,not teaching, homekeeper
received B. S.from Indiana State Teachers College.Slaughter, Minnie M., ha Bloomington
nr.Smith, Mary Ellen, ha 813 Main St., Mt.Vernon
1909-1912 teacher of English ingrammar grades of Mt. Vernon
1912-1918 head of English dept. in high schoolof Mt. Vernon
lr 1918.Stirwalt, Ernest
pa 619 West Dryden St.,Glendale, Calif.
taught in rural schoolthree years before graduation
1909-1911student. University of Michigan, A. B.1911
1911-1914 teacher of mathematics,high school, Fort Wayne
1914-1916teacher of mathematics, township highschool, Jerseyville, 111.
1916-1918 teacherof mathematics, high school, ColoradoSprings, Colo.
1918-1822 farmer in Indiana
1922-1925 teacher of mathematics,Union high school. Mesa, Ariz.
1925-1926 teacher of mathematics, Point Lomahigh school, San Lciego, Calif.
1926-1929 teacher of mathematics, Union highschool, Glendale, Calif.
1929-1930 chairman mathematics department, HerbertHoover high school, Glendale, Calif. Attended Stanford University summers of1923, 1925, 1926
attended Universityof Southern California summer 1928
graduate course University of SouthernCalifornia 1928-1929.Siodgill, H. H., ha Huntington
1909-1910prin. of schools, Bentonville
1910 withthe International Harvester Co. workingon their ratings, adjustments, settlements and collections
nr since 1910.Swails, Lee E., pa 6002 Bellefontaine St.,Indianapolis
1909-1911 prin. of highschool, New Bethel
1911-1929 countysupt. of schools, Marion county.Tanger, Mary Blanche, nr.Teder, Joseph E., pa 6322 UniversityAve., Chicago, 111.
1909-1913 supt. ofhigh school, Hazelton
1913-1918 supt.of high school, Hanna
1918-1929 teacher of science, Lane Technical high school,Chicago, 111.
Ph. B. Chicago university1914
A. M. Columbia university 1920.Thurston. Esielle L., ha Mount Ayr
nr.Toph. Violet E., la Versailles
1900-1918teachtr of grades, Ripley county
1918-1921 teacher of Latin, English, homeeconomics, high school, Napoleon
1921-1923 teacher of Latin, English and homeeconomics, high school,Onward
1923-1924 teacher of Latin, English and homeeconomics in high school, Scipio
1924-1925 teacher of Latin, English and homeeconomies in high jchcol, New Amsterdam
i teacher o: Latin, Englishand heme eccnomics in high school, Lincoln
1926-1927 student, Indiana StateTeachers College, Terre Haute
1927-1928 teaching in schools of Versailles.Trogdon, Stella, pa 811 S. 18th St., TerreHaute
190S-1916 teacher of primarygrades, Vermillion, 111.
1926-1929 teaching Mont Rose school, Terre Haute.Unverferth, Ernest C., pa 205 PalaceBuilding, Tulsa, Okla.
taught from 1905-1910 various schools in Indiana beforegraduation
1909-1913 prin., high school,Rockville
1913-1914 University of Chicago
1914-1916 teacher of mathematicsin high school, Tulsa, Okla.
1916-1917acting prin., high school, Tulsa, Okla.
1917-1923 asst. prin. high school, Tulsa,Okla.
1923-1927 Kirksville College ofOsteopath and Surgery
received B. S.from University of Chicago in 1914 anddegree, Doctor of Osteopathy in 1927
1927-1930 practicing osteopathy, Tulsa,Okla.Warner, Elmer, pa Howard, R. L, gen.del.
taught five terms in the rural districts before graduation from the IndianaState Teachers College
1909-1911 taughtin rural school
1911-1912 post graduatework in Indiana State Teachers College:1912 attended University of Louisville,Ky., studying medicine
1912-1913 pre-medical work
1913-1917 medical college,graduated from the University of Louisville, Ky.
1917-1929 intership and resident physician in hospitals in German-town, Philadelphia, Buffalo, N. Y., Dayton,O., Erie, Pa., etc., since graduation frommedi...
State hospital of Howard, R.I.
assistant physician in above mentioned institutions.Watson, Perley M., pa 1579 Warren Road,Lakewood, O.
1909-1910 supt.. Pimento
1910-1913 prin., township high school,Bellflower, 111.
1913-1914 student in university of 111., A. B. major in education
1914-1918 prin., township highschool, Chrisman, 111.
1918-1921 Robinson, 111.
1921-1924 prin., Cleveland Boysschool
1926-1928 prin., Cleveland, O.Weills, Grace Virginia, A. B., ha 1618S. 4th St.. Terre Haute
lr 1916 dramaticreader with Easter Lyceum Bureau, Boston, Mass.
lr 1916.Wilson-Manger, Mrs. Lena, nr.