50THE ALUMNI DIRECTORYer in grades. Elkhart: 1906-1912 teaoh-rin high school. Elkhart
1912-1929 married to E. V. Anderson, not teaching,homekeeper.Brothers-Erb, Mrs. Etta, pa Port Stanley, Wash.
1902-1905 teacher, ruralschool. Fincastle: 1906-1909 teachergrades, Seattle, Wash.
1909-1929, married
at home and not teaching.Brown, Mertis, nr.Brubeck, Frank, ha Terre Haute: 1902-190 5 principal school, Terre Haute
1905-1908 editorial writer Tribune,Terre Haute
1908-1910 board of publicworks, Terre Haute
1910-1914 superintendent public parks, Terre Hante
1914-1916 deputy collector, U. S. Revenueservice, Indianapolis
lr 1916.Carnahan-Hess, Mrs. Nel.e, nr.Carpenter, Charles J., nr.Caylor, Will M-, principal high school.Noblesville for some time
no completerecord of carClem, Harry M., pa Evanston, 111.
1902-1008 teacher high school, Mayes ville
1903-1904 instructor, geography, IndianaState Teachers College, Terre Haute:1904-1905 A. B., Indiana University
190 i-1907 M. S. geography. Universityof Chicago: 1907-1929 teacher of geography, Univ?rsity of Chicago: 1907-1929teacher of geography and civics...
1902-1908 superintendent schools, Mitchell
1908-1.917 si.
nl ondent schools,Elwood
1917-1918 student. Universityof Chicago and Columbia Unive-sityworking toward Ph. D.
1919-1930 retired in June 1919 from active positionin educational work on account of illhealth
since 1920 owner of poultry fnd doing active outdoor work
attendedIndiana University, A. B. June 1908
A. M. Sept. 1908.Cohoon-Sperry, Mrs. Maude, lr 1917 residing at 852 Massachusetts Ave., Indianapolis.Cole, Georjje C, pa Lawrenceburg
1902-1907 high school principal, Lawrenceburg
1907-1929 county superintendentschools, Dearborn county.Culp, Leander M., St. Joseph: 1890-l>-r)7 teacher Lorlce township, Elkhart
1897-1901 teacher grades, Bremen
1902-1904 principal schools, Harrisburg
1905-1906 principal high school, Wa-karusa
1907-1911 superintendentschools, Middleburv
1911-1914 teacher high school, Montpelier
1914-1916superintendent schools, Lakeville
1916-1919 principal Baugo ConsolidatedSchool, Elkhart
1919-1923 superintendent schools, Hsmlet
1923-1925 principal Lakeville
1925-1929 teacher of history, Madison township ConsolidatedSchool, St. Joseph
received A. B. degree from Indiana University in 1914
summer 1914, student, Wisconsin University.Cunningham, Jessie Rose, pa Roach-dale, RFD 1
1903-1905 teacher ofEnglish high school, Waveland
1905-1907 assistant principal high school,Worthington: 1907-1910 assistant principal high school, Yorkville. 111.: 1909received A. B. from Indiana State...
1910-1921 inbusiness
1921-1930 at home.Dawson, Sallie, pa 807 North 9th St.,Terre Haute
1902-1904 teacher in cityschools, Terre Haute: 1904-1905 teacherin city schools, Long Beach, Calif.
1905-1930 teacher of biology and botany, Garfield High School.Deamer, Arthur, pa Cedar Rapids, la.
1902-1903 principal high school, Leiters
1903-1906 county superintendent schools,Fulton county
1906-1909 principal highschool, LaPorte
1909-1916 superintendent schools, LaPorte
1916-1920 superintendent schools, Fargo, N. D.
1920-1930 superintendent schools. CedarRapids, Ia.Douglas, Otho W., pa 1734 OrringtonAve., Evanston, 111.
1902-1909 teacherbiology, Anderson
1930 salesman playground equipment, Hill-Standard Co.Earhart-Waugh, Mrs. Blanche lr 1909teacher in Seattle, Wash. Faulkner, Aldcn O., graduated fromPurdue Unive...
worked for Missouri Pacific and OregonShort Line Railways
established officeat Burns, Ore.
killed 1926.Ftlbaum, Emma, nr.Fishr, Fiances M., pa 31 South 20thSt., Terre Haute
1902-1929 teacher inschools of Terre Haute
1927-1929 teacher of mathematics, Woodrow WilsonJunior High School, Terre Haute
B. S.Indiana State Teachers College, TerreHaute in 1928.Fidlar, Chester L., pa 2105 South 7thSt., Terre Haute
1886-1887 substituteteacher, city schools, Terre Houte
1887-1893 teacher Mcnt Rose School, TorreHaute
1893-1889 principal Mont RoseSchool, Terre Haute: 1889-1902 studentIr.t
i?r,a State Teachers College, TerreHaute
1902-1930 supervisor of music,city schools, Terre Haute.Foote, Helen C, ha B0 East 4ith St.,Indianapolis
1901-1903 teacher ofgrades, Alexandria
1903-1906 teacher ofgrades, Anderson
1906-1907 teacherhigh school Wyoming
1907-1909 teacher grades, Vincennes
1912-1913 attended Indiana University, received A. B.degree
1913-1915 teacher high school,Vincennes
1915-1916 attended IndianaUniversity
received A. M. degres
1916-1922 teacher of high school, Evansville
1922-1925 teacher in high school, NewJersey
1925-1929 head commercial department, high school, Washington.Forsvth, David Harley, pa 152 6 South9th St., Terre Haute
1902-1905 principal schools. Youngstown
1905-1909attended medical school, Indiana University
1909-1929 practicing physician,Terre Haute.Free, C. Oxner, pa 503 North 5th St.,Vincennes
1902-1903 principal highschool, Plainfield: 1903-1904 deputycounty surveyor, Hendricks county, andcivil engineer for Winona Lake ParkAssociation summer 1903...
1904-1905graduated from Purdue University incivil engineering
in senior year at Purdue, instructor, military tactics withrank of major: 1904-1916 with VincennesBridge Co. as erecting foreman, draftsman and c...
nr.♦Furr, Malissa, ha Quincy: 1902-1904teacher of Latin, science, high school,Frankton
1904-1905 teacher of Latin,