112THE ALUMNI DIRECTORYCincinnati, Ohio: B. S., Indiana StateTeachers College, Terre Haute.Terrill-Ringo, Mrs. Lois L., ha RFD 6.Brazil
1913-1915 principal of the Had-leytown School, Brazil
completed collegecourse at Indiana State Teachers College
1915-1916 principal of Center School
1916-1923 married
not teaching
lr 1923.Thompson, Benjamin R., ha Rockville
1913-1914 student, Indiana State Teachers College
1914-1915 teacher of ruralschool in Raccoon township, Parkecounty
1915-1916 principal and teacherof English and science, Bridgeton
1916-1918, high school teacher, Stilesville
1922-1929 teacher of elementary grades,Rockville.Thompson, Clem O., pa Muncie
1906-1907 teacher in rural schools, Jay county
1907-1910 teacher in Blackford
1910-1913 teacher in high school, Salem
1913-1916 teacher of biology, chemistry andagriculture, Washington Township HighSchool, Salem
1916-1918 principal ofhigh school, Salem
1918-1919 superintendent of schools, Salem
1919-1920student, University of Chicago
1920-1925 professor of education and head ofthe department, Earl ham College
1925-1926 associate professor of education.Ball Teachers College, Muncie
1926-1929 professor of elementary educationand director of extension, Ball TeachersCollege, Muncie
M. A., University ofChicago.Til.ey, Gladys Marie, A. B., pa Glendale,California
1913-1914 attended IndianaState Teachers College
1915 teacher inEast Glenn High School
1917-1919teacher of mathematics, Tulsa, Oklahoma
1919-1920 student, Indiana University
1920-1922 teacher of mathematics, Paris,Illinois
1922-1923 teacher of science andmathematics, South Pasadena, California
1923-1929 teacher of mathematics in thehigh school, Glendale, California
attended University of Southern Californiasummer of 1922
and Indiana Universitysummers of 1919-1920.Tillman, Hazel May, pa 2327 Miner St.,Fort Wayne: 1913-1922 teacher in EastChicago
1922-1929 teacher of mathematics, junior high school. Fort Wayne.Unverferth, William C, pa 4812 ConcordPlace, Chicago, Illinois
1910-1911 teacher of district school, Freelandville
1917-1018 with steel and tube company, Indiana Harbor
1918-1919 United StatesArmy
1919-1923 steel and tube company, Indiana Harbor
1923-1929 teacher of mechanical drawing, Carl SchingHigh School, Chicago, Illinois.Vancleave, Nelson R., pa 2621 CollegeAve., Terre Haute
1913-1915 principal,high school, Owensburg
1915-1917 superintendent of schools, Graysville
1917-1918 superintendent of schools, Pleasant-ville
1918-1920 principal of schools,Farmersburg: 1920-1926 superintendentof schools, Farmersburg
1926-1929 principal, McKeen School, Terre Haute.Wallace, Anna Myers, pa Wheatland
1913-1915 principal, high school, Monroeville: 1916 student, Indiana University
graduated Aug., 1916
1916-1918teacher in city schools, Wheatland
1918-1923 administrator of estates
1924-1927 principal, high school, Monroe City
1927-1928 principal of high school, Hanging Grove
1928-1929 not teaching
athome.Wallace-Warren, Mrs. Edna A., pa Winchester
1913-1916 teacher in the grades,East Chicago
1915-1919 married toRussell Warren, not teaching, homekeeper
1919-1920 teaching English, GreenSchool, Farmland
1920-1923 teachingscience and Latin, Losantville
1923-1925teaching science and Latin, Cowan
1925-1929 teaching physical education, Winchester
graduated from Ball TeachersCollege, Muncie, in 1925.Warren, Russell S., pa Winchester
taught two years in rural schools, Randolph county
prior to graduation
1913-1916 principal, Jefferson High School
1916-1924 taught in high school, Losantville
1924-1926 teacher in Randolphcounty
1926-1927 taught in Delawarecounty
secured an A. B. from BallTeachers College, Muncie
attended University of Wisconsin summer of 1925
1928-1929 county superintendent, Randolph county, Winchester.Welch, John H., ha 1812 S. 6th St.,Terre Haute
1913-1915 taught in highschool, Riley
1915-1916 principal, highschool, Hazelton
1916-1918 superintendent of schools, Hazelton
1918-1922 superintendent of schools, Blackhawk
1922-1928 principal, high school, Pimento
1928-1930 salesman. Cole Auto Company,Terre Haute.Wellman, Howard, pa 4242 6th Ave., N.E., Seattle, Washington
1918-1921 teacher of chemistry, physics, Noblesville
1921-1922 student, Indiana University,A. M. in chemistry
1922-1927 superintendent of schools, Index, Washington
1927-1929 student, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington.Welte, Ada (Sister Carmelia), A. B., 826Poplar St., Terre Haute
1913-1915 teacher of German, King Crawford ClassicalSchool, Terre Haute
1915-1916 postgraduate work, Indiana State TeachersCollege
1916-1918 teacher of German,Bartholomew county
1918-1919 teacherof Latin and English, Fontanet
1919 entered convent
attended college at St.Marys-of-the-Woods, with stress on English
received A. B. in 1920 with teachers certificate
attended Purdue University, Dec, 1920 to June, 1921 doingwork in bacteriology and biology, alsochemistry
1921-1922 taught biology andbotany at St. Marys-of-the-Woods College
1922-1923 residence year at IndianaUniversity
summer sessions, 1923-1924and 1925
1923-1929 teacher of biology,St. Marys-of-the-Woods College
receivedM. A. in 1925 from Indiana University.Wheeler, William H., ha 1328 CentralAve., Alton, Illinois
1917-1919 teacherof history, Elgin, Illinois
1919-1921teacher in the high school, Goshen
1921-1927 principal, Theodore RooseveltHigh School, Alton, Illinois
1927-1929principal, high school, Taylorville, Illinois.White, Olive Rosalind, ha Morristown
taught rural and grade schools 1903-1913, before graduation
1913-1915 teacher of English and Latin, Decker HighSchool, Decker
1915-1917 teacher ofEnglish and Latin, Bruceville
1917-1918 student at Indiana University, receiving A. B.
1918-1919 teacher of Latinand English, Wheatland
1919-1921teacher of English in the high school.