204THE ALUMNI DIRECTORYburg, pa Monrovia
1925-1929 teacher,English, high school, Monrovia.Wood-Jackson, Mrs. Marie, 2IG, pa 429South 3rd St., Clinton
1920-1921 teacher grades, Fairview School, Vermillioncounty
1921-1925 teacher grades, Clinton
1925-1927 teacher departmentalmusic and English, Clinton
1927-1928homekeeper and substitute teacher,grades, Clinton
married to LawrenceJackson in 1927
1928-1929 teachergrades, East Union, Vermillion county
1929-1930 not teaching, homekeeper.Wright, Robert L., A. B„ ha 1904 SixthAve., Terre Haute
pa 817 V2 North Center St., Terre Haute
1922-1929 teacher,physical education, McLean Junior HighSchool, Terre Haute.Yeager, Mary, 2H.E., ha Brazil
1925-1927 teacher, home economics, Mt. Vernon
1927-1929, teacher, home economics, Brazil.Young, Martha E., 2H.E., ha 1335 Guilford St., Huntington
pa same
1923-1924 student Ball Teachers College,Muncie
1924-1925 student, IndianaState Teachers College, Terre Haute
1925-1926 student. Ball Teachers College, Muncie
1926-1929 teacher home,economics and English, Clear CreekTownship High School, Huntington
1929-1930 teacher, home economics andEnglish, Huntington Township HighSchool, Huntington
B. S., Indiana StateTeachers College, Terre Haute, 1929.CLASS OF 1926Adams, Josephine, 2H.E., ha Bloomfield
pa same
1926-1929 teacher, elementarygrades, Bloomfield.Adams, Maurice Deist, B. S., ha RFD 8,Columbus
pa Conneaut, Ohio
1926-1930 teacher, science, high school Conneaut.Addis, Elsie E., 2P, ha Sullivan
1926-1929 teacher, elementarygrades, Sullivan.Albright, Aaron, B. S., ha Colfax
paAurora, 111.
192G-1927 teacher, scienceand ossistont coach, Casey, 111.
1927-1928 teacher, science and coach, Martinsville, 111.
1928-1929 teacher, scienceand coach, Aurora, 111.Alexander, Ina Luetta, 2IG, ha 2021North 20th St., Terre Haute
pa same
1928-1929 teacher elementary grades,Terre Haute.Alexander, Lucille, 2P, ha Plainville
paWashington, RFD 2 1926-1930 teacher,elementary grades, Washington.Allen, Catherine, A. B., ha 1501 5th Ave.,Terre Haute
pa Stewardson, 111.
1926-1930 teacher, mathematics, Stewardson,111.Allen, Helen Bernice, B. S., ha Hillsboro
po Lyons
1926-1927 teacher, home economics, Sara Sota, Fla.
1927-1930teacher, home economics, Lyons.Allen, Josephine D., 2P, ha DaytonaBeach, Fla., Seabreeze Station, Box6011
pa same
1926-1929, teacher, Dayton Beach, Fla.Allen, Alice Veta, 2A, ha Pimento: pasame
1926-1927 teacher, city schools,Rossville, 111.
1927-1928 student, Indiana State Teachers College, Terre Haute
1928-1929 teacher art, Pimento.Anderson, James T„ B. S., ha 522 South14th St., Terre Haute: pa Wilson, NorthCarolina
1926-1928 teacher history andscience, high school, Wilson, North Carolina.Anderson, Minnie M., 2IG, ha Stewartsville: pa same
1927-1929 teacher, elementary grades, Stewartsville.Andrews, Ruth, B. S., ha 1318 EastMain St., Vincennes
pa same
1926-1929 teacher, home economics, Vincennes.Applegate, Frances, 2IG, ha 322 WestSheriidan St., Greensburg
1926-1929supply teacher and teacher, elementarygrades, Greensburg.Arvin, Martin J., A. B., ha Loogootee
pa 1628 North Wolfe St., Baltimore, Md.
1926-1927 teacher, Barr Township HighSchool, Montgomery
1927-1929 graduate student, Johns Hopkins University,Baltimore, Md.Ashby, Blanche, B. S., ha Pittsboro
pa17 East Polg St., Shelbyville
1926-1929teacher commerce, high school, Shelbyville.Ashley, Winston H., A. B., ha Jasonville
pa Anderson
1926-1928 teacher, historyand public speaking, high school, Crawfordsville
1928-1930 teacher, historyand public speaking, Anderson.Ausherman, Paul, B. S., ha 1425 South19th St., Terre Haute
pa 2642 Wilson,Terre Haute
1926-1927 music supervisor, Montpelier
1927-1930 teacher,music, Woodrow Wilson Junior HighSchool, Terre Haute.Avery, Ward, B. S., ha RFD 3 Greentown
pa 835 Emerson St., Saginaw,Mich.
1926-1929 music supervisor, Saginaw, Mich.Bailey, Hazel Elma, 2P, ha RFD B,Terre Haute
pa same
1928-1930 teacher primary grades, Pimento.Bauer, Helen Marie, 2IG, ha Lafayette
pa Harvey
1920-1921 teacher,grades, Lafayette
1921-1922 teacher,grades, Gladdens Corner
1922-1923teacher, grodes near Kentland
1923-1925 teacher, grades, Otterbein
1925-1929 teacher, grodes, Harvey, 111., summer of 1923, attended Purdue University
1927 attended Indiana State TeachersCollege, Terre Haute.Baughman, Mary Frances, A. B., ha RFD7, Box 146, Brazil
1923-1925 teacherelementary grades, Vigo county
1926-1928, teacher, physical education, Richmond
1928-1929 student, Indiana StateTeachers College.Beanblossom-Hertling, Mrs. Bessie, A.B., ha Mauckport
pa 403 Scott St., Vincennes
1917-1920 teocher, rural schools,Harrison county
1920-1921 teacher primary grades, Mauckport
1921-1923teacher, English and Latin, high school,Mauckport
1923-1924 teacher, Englishand Latin, high school, Montezuma
1924-1927 teacher, English and Latin,high school, New Amsterdam
1927-1928not teaching, homekeeper, married toOscor Hertling.Beckwith, Josephine T., 2P, ha 329 N. E.Sixth St., Linton
pa some
1926-1929teacher, primary work, Linton.Bed well. Josephine, 2P, ha Dugger
1926-1929 teocher grades, Dugger.Bedwell, Laverne, 2IG, ha Carlisle
pa2222 Oak Park Blvd.. Berwyn, 111.
1926-1927 teocher, elementray grades, Sulli-