Search Results - (( martin a c peo...
Showing 1 - 20 of 1,253 results
Search Results - (( martin a c peo...
Showing 1 - 20 of 1,253 results
Members of the Association of Childhood Education
Indiana State University Archives
Members of the Association of Childhood Education
Indiana State University Archives
Association for Childhood Education members. Front row-Celia Michas, Karen Mull, Frances Hauge, Carolyn Uland, Nancy Shultz, Norma Ring. Second row-Rita...
Indiana State University Archives
Association for Childhood Education members. Front row-Ann Fierst, Marilyn Siebert, Bernie Ziol, Frances Hauge, Karen Mull, Georgiann Sims, Jan Voliva,...
Indiana State University Archives
A group of people pose for a photo by a table. Two of the men are African American. A. Martin Katz is standing and is the...
Indiana Jewish Historical Society
Independent Students Association members. Front row-J. Weeks, S. Humbles, J. Martin, J. Pittman, P. Price, M. Raines, J. Kiger, G. Peterson, D....
Indiana State University Archives
Members of the Newman Club. First row, from left to right: M. Meyer, S. Mundy, G. Hegman, C. Marcum, N. Roberts, V. Shelton, T....
Indiana State University Archives
Members of the French Club. First row, from left to right: Ruth McGrew, Betty Brocker, Phyllis Wey, Carol Carson, and Mary Alice Zimmer...
Indiana State University Archives
Members of the Cantebury Club. Seated, from left to right: B. Moore, B. Branion, P. Barnett, B. Inman, D. Henry, and T. Harper. St...
Indiana State University Archives
Members of the Hall Council of the Human Center. Seated, from left to right: J. Herring, W. Blessing, H. Indyg, R. Lankford, P. Be...
Indiana State University Archives
Members of the Hall Council of the Human Center. Seated, from left to right: J. Herring, W. Blessing, H. Indyg, R. Lankford, P. Be...
Indiana State University Archives
Members of the Press Club. First row, from left to right: Elinor Front, Martha Gordon, Betty Smith, Rita McConchie, Barbara Jones, Dorothy...
Indiana State University Archives
Members of the Wesley Foundation. Seated, from left to right: V. Harris, V. Fours, J. Hayes, S. Todd, and B. Tredway. Standing, from...
Indiana State University Archives
A group of 18 people are seen on a hillside. The photo is unmarked, but are similar to photos identified as Trinity Springs, Indiana....
Indiana Album
A group of students at the Y.W.C.A.
Indiana State University Archives
A group of students at the Y.W.C.A.
Indiana State University Archives
Silent film.; Footage of a Poor Peoples March held on the campus of Ball State University organized by Ball State students. The event...
This film originated from WLBC-TV and was (possibly) a part of a segment titled, Week in Review. The station was created in 1953...
This archival material has been provided for educational purposes. Ball State University Libraries recognizes that some historic items may include off...
BSU Historic Films and Videos
A group of 50-100 people are seen on a hillside in front of manmade water channels.
Indiana Album
Members of the Music Educators National Conference. First row, from left to right: C. Burch, J. Cobley, G. Clarke, S. Gormong, H. Hardt...
Indiana State University Archives
Members of the Music Educators National Conference. First row, from left to right: C. Burch, J. Cobley, G. Clarke, S. Gormong, H. Hardt...
Indiana State University Archives