1926-1930 teacher, highschool, Tell City.Sellers, John Milton
A. B„ ha Bedford:1922-1923 principal, high school, Fayetteville
1926-1929 principal, Williams.Schuck, Cecelia, A. 1!., ha Colfax
pa550 Crescent St., N. E. Grand Rapids,Mich.
1922-1923 graduate student, University of Minnesota
1923-1924 IowaState College, chemistry
1924-1926taught chemistry and nutrition, GrandRapids, Mich.
1926-1929 teaching chemistry and nutrition, junior college.Grand Rapids, Mich.Sharp, Margaret, A. B., ha 2212 North13% St., Terre Haute
1922-1924 teacher of English and history, Wiley HighSchool
lr 1924.Sheek, Ralph, A. B., ha Greenwood
1922-1924 superintendent of White Rivertownship school
1924-1926 superintendent Greenwood Schools
1926-1927superintendent North Salem
1927-1929superintndent schools, Plainfield.Shilling-Bowman, Mrs. Gladys, 2IG, haBurket: pa 1236 East Altgeld St., SouthBend
taught four years before graduation
1921-1924 teaching grades atSouth Bend
1924-1929 not teaching,married, homekeeper.Shirley-Campbell, Mrs. Gladys, A. B., ha656 Third Ave., Terre Haute
pa 1204West 14th St., Bedford
1922-1929 athome, not teaching.Sisson, Sivert Ulness, 3N, ho Cloverdale
1922-1923 teaching science, athletics in Zionsville High School, Zions-ville
1923-1924 teacher of science andathletics, Summitville: 1924-1925 principal of Center township high school,Delaware county
1925-1926 principal ofSomerset High School, Somerset
lr 1926.Sloan, Wilma Byrl, 2IG, ha Waynetown
1922-1926 teaching grades, Kingman andWindgate
1926-1928 teaching cityschools, Richmond.Smith, Flora Hazel, B. S., ha Boswell
pa323 North 8th St., Terre Haute
taughtin rural schools, Benton county
grades,Boswell, East Chicago
1926-1929 criticteacher ot Indiano State Teachers College Training School, Terre Haute.Smith, Mr. Hallie L., A. B., ha Cynthiana: pa 366 Marshall...
1913-1918 teacher, rural andgrade schools, Cynthiana
1918-1919teacher history and industrial arts, highschool, Cynthiana
1919-1924 principaland teacher of history, high school,Wadesville
1924-1926 graduate work,University of Chicago
1926-1927 teacher, history and mathemotics, Owensville
1927-1930 head history deportment, highschool, East Lansing, Mich.Snapp, Dorothy, 2IG, ha Oaktown
pa316 Walnut St., Clinton
1922-1923teaching grades, Emison
1923-1924teaching grades, Mt. Vernon
1925-1927teaching grades in Oaktown
1927-1929teaching grades at Clinton.Snyder, Mrs. Lucinda Beecher, 2E, pa1445 South 7th St., Terre Haute
1922-1930 elementary grades, FairbanksSchool, Terre Haute
B. S., Indiana StateTeachers College, Terre Haute, 1929.Snyder, Ruth R., 2IG, ha Monroe City
pa Vincennes: lr 1922-1928 teacher ofelementary grades, Vincennes.Southard, Mina D.. A. B., ha Hillsdale:taught three years in rural school andon...
1922-1923 teacher in geography department at Indiana StateTeachers College, Terre Haute
1924-1925 student at University of Chicago
M. S. geography and geology, June 1925
Jan. 1926- June 1927 substitute instructor in department of geography, StateNormal School, Cheny, Wash.Sparks, Ralph P., A. B., ha Monticello...
317 North Railroad St., pa Fowler, 1922-1923 teacher of civics, history, Latin,manual training in four year communityhigh school, Monticello
1923-1924 teaching in high school at Akeley, Minnesota
1925-1926 principal at Wadesville
1926-1930 principal at Freeland Park
M. A.University of Wisconsin 1929.Spaulding, Bessie W., 2IG, ha Cloverdale
pa 610 South Henderson St., Bloomington
1922-1929 teacher of elementarygrodes, Bloomington.Stewart- Whelan, Mrs. Irene, 2IG, ha2145 Fifth Ave., Terre Haute
1922-1924 teacher of grades, Lincoln School,Terre Haute: lr 1924.Sturm-Reynolds, Mrs. Delia May, 2IG,pa 2407 Arleth St., Terre Haute
taughttwo years before graduation
1922-1930not teaching, homekeeper, married in1921.Thomas-Grove, Mrs. Clema, A. B., ha2200 North 13th St., Terre Haute
pa2520 Deming, Terre Haute
1924-1925teacher of commerce, Worthington
1925-1929 teacher of commerce at Oaktown.Thompson, Grace Agnes, 2IG, ha Rockville
pa Shelbyville
1922-1923 teacherof elementary grades. East Chicago
1923-1924 teacher of elementary grades,Richmond
1924-1929 society editor andreporter, Shelbyville Republican, Shelbyville.Thoroman, Margaret, 2IG ha Bedford
1922-1923 teacher of elementarygrades, Bedford
1923-1929 nursing,Bedford.Thresher-Dant, Mrs. Gertrude, 3N, haTell City
pa Jasper
1918-1921 teacherin high school, Perry county
1922-1923teacher in high school, Barr township,Daviess county, teacher of Latin
1923-1926 teaching Latin in high school, TellCity
1926-1928 not teaching, home-keeper, married to Louis Dant in 1926.Tilson, Helen, A. B., ha 673 Swan St.,Terre Haute :1922-1930 teacher of E...
1922-1925 principal ofUnion twonship High School, Kingsbury
1926-1926 teaching mathematics ond science, Marengo High School, Marengo
1926-1929 principal of Union townshipHigh School, Kingsbury.Townsend, Clay J., 3N, ha Algiers
1921-1928 science, agriculture,high school, Osgood
1928-1930 teacheragriculture, science, high school, Richland.Trigg, Ethel, 2IG, ha 815 Mulberry St.,Evansville
lr 1923 teaching in grades,rural school, Dekoven, Ky.Trinkle, Callie, 2IG, ha 501 Fifth St..Aurora
pa 915 Oakdale Drive
1922-1923 elementary grades,Anderson
1923-1929 teaching elementary grodes, Fort Wayne.Troth, Pauline, A. B., ha Spencer
pa2405 North Gale St., Indianapolis
1922-1924 teaching Latin and English, Griffith
1924-1926 teacher of Latin, Frank-