Search Results - (( joe war first ...
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Showing 181 - 200 of 338 results
Search Results - (( joe war first ...
Showing 181 - 200 of 338 results
This photo shows a group of people standing in front of the Lanesville Post Office in Lanesville, Indiana. The original negative is on ...
New Albany Historic Photograph Archive
Rohingya students stand in a single file line outside, each one placing their hands on the shoulders of the student infront of them....
OBAT Helpers
A Medical volunteer wraps a blood pressure cuff around a Rohingya mans arm as they sit in a medical office with other people standing...
OBAT Helpers
A scale stands next to a small cabinet against the wall. There are men and women standing in front of the scale and cabinet, facin...
OBAT Helpers
A medical volunteer examines a patient laying on an examining table as a women stands beside them. The room appears to be a medical...
OBAT Helpers
A line of OBAT volunteers stand in front of an ambulance as they face the camera
OBAT Helpers
A photograph of the Lampert residence on the corner of 12th and Jackson Streets in Jasper, IN. The house is no longer standing. Keyword...
Photographs of Dubois County
A line of Rohingya refugee men are heading into an unlit room. Some stand while others sit on blue plastic chairs.
OBAT Helpers
A Rohingya woman is standing in front a volunteers desk.
OBAT Helpers
A photograph of the Rauscher family at home in Huntingburg, IN. Standing (from left to right): Jacob Rauscher, Mathilda (Rauscher)...
Photographs of Dubois County
A reproduction of a photograph of elementary school teachers in Huntingburg, IN. Seated (from left to right): Russell Waddle, grade 6...
Photographs of Dubois County
Two Rohingya women, a man, and a child stand at the enterance of a medical transport vehicle as they shuffle inside.
OBAT Helpers
A group of men, women, and children are sitting and standing in a room, most likely waiting to speak to the person running the pha...
A large white sign behind the group reads PHARMACY in blue text.
OBAT Helpers
A group of Rohingya refugees are seen sitting and standing in a waiting room. There are women at a small window, speaking to a med...
OBAT Helpers
A line of Rohingya refugees that goes into a separate room. There are some men that are standing and some that are sitting....
They may be waiting in line for the emergency room
OBAT Helpers
A man stands behind a female Rohingya patient wearing an oxygen mask and connected to an IV as she sits up on an examing table....
OBAT Helpers
A medical volunteer from OBAT weighs a young girl on an automatic scale as another girl stand in front of them. A woman watches th...
OBAT Helpers
A Rohingya refugee stands on a scale as she gets her height measured by a medical volunteer.
OBAT Helpers
A line of women refugees stand behind a man as he speaks to the pharmacist through the open window.
A large white sign with the word [PHARMACY] on it placed above the window.
OBAT Helpers