Search Results - (( joe barn fire ...
Showing 61 - 80 of 219 results
Search Results - (( joe barn fire ...
Showing 61 - 80 of 219 results
Gospel Trumpet - Publications of the Church of God 1881-1922
Gospel Trumpet - Publications of the Church of God 1881-1922
A Medical volunteer wraps a blood pressure cuff around a Rohingya mans arm as they sit in a medical office with other people standing...
OBAT Helpers
A woman wearing a dress and glasses with a toddler in her lap sitting next to a man wearing a suit and glasses. Both subjects ...
Percival Gallagher Papers (M006)
A Rohingya man is sitting in a medical transport vehicle, with the other about to seat himself. They are waiting, most likely to head...
OBAT Helpers
Five adults and one toddler sitting on a screened in porch.Originally contained within an envelope with the annotation Negatives, photos by David...
Percival Gallagher Papers (M006)
A man with his back to the camera sits on a rock overlooking a waterway in a mountainous region. Originally contained within an envelop...
Percival Gallagher Papers (M006)
An elderly Rohingya woman and a young Rohingya man sit at a small desk as they speak to a medical volunteer as he flips through...
Sign reads: Primary Health Care Center Kutupalong Rohingya Refugee Camp Project office:- Raja Palong, Seikh Bari A logo reading Humanitarian ...
OBAT Helpers
A young woman works on a Singer sewing machine with a light orange cloth. There are women sitting behind her as well. They are wor...
OBAT Helpers
A line of Rohingya refugees that goes into a separate room. There are some men that are standing and some that are sitting....
They may be waiting in line for the emergency room
OBAT Helpers
A group of men, women, and children are sitting and standing in a room, most likely waiting to speak to the person running the pha...
A large white sign behind the group reads PHARMACY in blue text.
OBAT Helpers
A group of Rohingya refugees are seen sitting and standing in a waiting room. There are women at a small window, speaking to a med...
OBAT Helpers
A man stands behind a female Rohingya patient wearing an oxygen mask and connected to an IV as she sits up on an examing table....
OBAT Helpers
A Rohingya refugee is getting her blood pressure taken by a medical volunteer while another person sits next to the volunteer. There is ...
OBAT Helpers
Rohingya Women, children, and men are located within a waiting room of the health clinic, with some women and children speaking to men ...
OBAT Helpers
A group of Rohingya women are waiting indoors, some standing and some sitting.
OBAT Helpers
A line of Rohingya refugee men are heading into an unlit room. Some stand while others sit on blue plastic chairs.
OBAT Helpers
1In The A.M.How do you start each day? Most people have amorning routine. It usually starts with getting outof bed! After that, mo...
Bloomington High School North
No subjects listed
Four women sit at computers as part of a training program to educate underprivledged women of the Khulna camps on computer skills....
OBAT Helpers
©ophomores RachelShiffrin and Cassie Nelsonlaugh while Nelson triesto fit her books into her smalllocker. Students had to carrymany books during ...
Bloomington High School South
No subjects listed