THE NORMAL ADVANCE91translations
from Horaces <0besI, 4.THE chills of winter swiftly flee,Now welcome spring doth come oncemore.Dry keels are launched into the seaBy many a...
Before no fire the rustic bentLooks out on meadows white and cold.Her moonlight dances Venus leads,And Nymphs with comely Graces sway,AVhile eage...
But like all others he will findIt so for a little while.Alas, how often he w7ill w7eepFor the want of faithfulness,And for the love...
Like a shipwrecked mariner Ive madeMy gift to the god of the sea.-—May Zinck.1,14.O Ship, far out to seaNew waves are bearing thee...
The waves thy yards deride
Thy keel, thy shattered mast,By Africs stormy blastAlone can scarce withstandThe imperious seas command.Thy sails are almost gone,Thy gods, thou calls...
For me, oh Ship of State,A yearning hope of late.Take heed of the breakers roarOn the shining rocky shore.Steer clear of the girdling s...